who said Beer ?
Forum members will get a discount off the ebay pricing when purchasing direct from me (not thru the ebay system) email for details: zray289@gmail.com
'65/'66 Mustang & Shelby GT350 Street Competition Advanced Monte Carlo Bar

Our latest project is a step forward in Monte Carlo bar design. Our Monte Carlo bars are designed to clear problems like oval air cleaners, distributors, or as in the example pictured, Weber carburetors, without resorting to a curved design. The curved types of Monte Carlo bars are essentially a spring, and not much help in chassis stiffening. A straight Monte Carlo Bar is needed to help keep the early Mustang shock towers from leaning inward due to metal fatigue & stress.
The triangulated design enables a majority of the load to be taken up right at the shock tower with the "strut", and also picks up some loading forward with the main tube. The strut effectively transmits its load to the main tube where it meets, and is welded securely to the main tube. Other designs using adjustable heim joints cannot be made as strong as our 100% welded Monte Carlo bar.
All other Monte Carlo bars on the market, whether they are straight, or curved, take up the shock tower load forward of center of the shock tower. After recent widespread examination and discussion, there is unanimous agreement that this is NOT the optimal place to take up the load from the shock tower, being less effective than taking up the load right at the shock tower mid point. Only our Monte Carlo design takes this into consideration with its triangulated design making it substantially more effective than the traditional, and more cheaply made Monte Carlo bars.
Additionally, our Monte Carlo bar is made from superior materials; the tubes are 4130 Chrome Moly Alloy Steel 1.0"x0.083" & the brackets are 0.125" steel plate. Please see our other auctions for the optional stainless steel model and the 1.0" DOM steel tubing model
Forum members will get a discount off the ebay pricing when purchasing direct from me (not thru the ebay system) email for details: zray289@gmail.com
'65/'66 Mustang & Shelby GT350 Street Competition Advanced Monte Carlo Bar

Our latest project is a step forward in Monte Carlo bar design. Our Monte Carlo bars are designed to clear problems like oval air cleaners, distributors, or as in the example pictured, Weber carburetors, without resorting to a curved design. The curved types of Monte Carlo bars are essentially a spring, and not much help in chassis stiffening. A straight Monte Carlo Bar is needed to help keep the early Mustang shock towers from leaning inward due to metal fatigue & stress.
The triangulated design enables a majority of the load to be taken up right at the shock tower with the "strut", and also picks up some loading forward with the main tube. The strut effectively transmits its load to the main tube where it meets, and is welded securely to the main tube. Other designs using adjustable heim joints cannot be made as strong as our 100% welded Monte Carlo bar.
All other Monte Carlo bars on the market, whether they are straight, or curved, take up the shock tower load forward of center of the shock tower. After recent widespread examination and discussion, there is unanimous agreement that this is NOT the optimal place to take up the load from the shock tower, being less effective than taking up the load right at the shock tower mid point. Only our Monte Carlo design takes this into consideration with its triangulated design making it substantially more effective than the traditional, and more cheaply made Monte Carlo bars.
Additionally, our Monte Carlo bar is made from superior materials; the tubes are 4130 Chrome Moly Alloy Steel 1.0"x0.083" & the brackets are 0.125" steel plate. Please see our other auctions for the optional stainless steel model and the 1.0" DOM steel tubing model