We got a special delivery today. :ecit
Alaina Renee Hare was born at 5:19am today. She is just a little sprout at 6lb 3oz and 19.5in.
She came out with fluid in her lungs so we have not been able to hold her yet.
She is in the special care unit hooked up to oxygen and an IV.
Wife is doing great. labor was only about 4 hours.
Not the best pictures with everything hooked up to her, but we are waiting for her to start breathing better on her own then we can finally hold her.
Alaina Renee Hare was born at 5:19am today. She is just a little sprout at 6lb 3oz and 19.5in.
She came out with fluid in her lungs so we have not been able to hold her yet.
She is in the special care unit hooked up to oxygen and an IV.
Wife is doing great. labor was only about 4 hours.
Not the best pictures with everything hooked up to her, but we are waiting for her to start breathing better on her own then we can finally hold her.
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