I kinda got into playing a on-line game called World of Tanks. Normally I play with my son who is in Germany and we play as a team and can talk back and forth using a headset and the "Q" button on the keyboard. Since he's half way around the world we look fordward to spending an hour or so doing battle a few times a week. At first tried the game on the laptop (Vista) but it would drop the frame rate down to 4 or 5 when in combat in a town with a lot of buildings. I have reactivated my old console and put the game on it and the graphics look a whole lot better and the frame rate has doubled. He**, I can actually hit something now. I do have a high end graphics card in the console but it has only 2 gig of DDR 2 Ram. Now for the question, how much ram will it support running on Windows XP home edition? I checked with a local about updating the ram to 4 or 8 and he said it was useless to do that and XP is a 32 bit system and will only operate with 2. Is this correct? Now for the second question. If I decide to upgrade to a faster machine (console) would I be better off building a machine or buying a pre built product? My son is a Windows expert with what he does for the Army and builds his own systems and I'd have him build me one if he was here, but again, he's a few thousand miles away. OH! if you guys are in to the video game thing I'd strongly suggest World of Tanks, for me, it's a hoot. :thum