I had to trim the end of a rubber fuel line to the carb (should be steel, I know) 'cause it was kind of ratty but I cut it too short, so I replaced it with a length of clear tubing just because I wanted to run the car for a while (it's still snowing here). After the car got up to operating temp, air started to appear in the fuel line. I figured that the diaphram in the fuel pump was holed, so I ordered a new one. I put it on (not the easiest job with power steering and a air conditioning pump in the way), and the same thing happened. I replaced ALL of the fuel lines from the tank to the carb with clear lines (only as a temperary) and found that air is introduced at the pump when warmed up. The car has always run great (cold or hot, slow or fast), starts the first time and for all I know, air in the fuel line is normal. Watching the bubbles, I can see when the float needle opens and closes and fuel is always pumped in on demand. Do I have concerns or am I thinking this one to death. Thanks in advance. Mark P.S. the car is a /66 289 "A" code auto