...Drum roll please...I can slowly go back to my normal activities after the neck surgery 6 weeks ago. That damned titanium plate does not feel great in there though. It pinches the hell out me sometimes, if I turn the wrong way. :shee The scar is not too bad, but if I pick up something heavy like a 50 lb bag of chicken feed, it must be doing something to it because It will start hurting a bunch by the next day and the pain starts running up the back of my head and around toward the front. (that's what it was doing before the surgery) He said it would take about 6 months to get somewhat back to normal. Well hell, I said, I have to feed my poor chickies each evening because swmbo sure as heck won't do it. :soapboxrant I don't need any more F4 tornadoes, please. Her broken leg and my messed up neck plus the roof gone and all the dang property screwed up and me not being able to do a damn thing and can't even go deer hunting ( I am not about to shoot a frigging rifle and screw this neck up again). Hell of a year, let's don't have a repeat please! :roul