I was hoping to borrow some of the extensive knowledge that's in this forum. As a newbie I made a classic mistake months ago. I bought a new pedal assembly on craigslist that allegedly came out of a 67 Mustang. I have a 68 C4 car that I'm doing a T5 conversion on. I referbed the pedal assembly replace the bearings and put it back in the car. As I'm going to replace my Midland style brake booster I realized it will not fit in the newly acquired pedal Assembly. On the assembly there are four welded nuts instead of the one that was on my original. Obviously the booster has threaded bolts that are supposed to pass through the firewall. This cannot be done due to the nuts that are welded on the brake pedal assembly. I would simply drill out the thread pattern on these nuts but the bolts on the booster or not long enough. Knowing what I just described can anyone tell me where this brake pedal assembly with the four welded nuts on it in a Midland style pattern came from?