Anyone have any experience with building a garage? I am looking to build a temporary garage on the side of my house. Not sure how much longer I will live here and don't want to go through the permit process expense etc. My car is almost back from paint and I want to build something to house the car and protect it while I put the car together. I am in Southern CA so I don't have to worry about heavy floods/snow etc. I was thinking of making a structure that could be taken apart in 4 pieces essentially. The roof would be a triangle shape and would come apart in two pieces. The structure the same thing. I was thinking of using ply wood for the sides and roof and just running tar paper and shingling the whole exterior for protection. Maybe a sky light, but besides that just a one car aluminum rool up door. Was thinking of making a wood floor, its going to sit on concrete, that way the weight of the car would hold it in place if we get some strong winds etc. I was giving some thoughts on aluminum siding etc. Any input? cautions?