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Came close to being dead at lunch


Active Member
I came about as close as you can come to being either seriously injured (or killed) at lunch because of someone driving like an absolute ass wipe.

I was going down the parkway...speed limit is 45 mph and I was probably doing 51 or 52 in the left lane. I had a pluming company pickup about 3/4 of a car length behind me in the right lane.

Some gal came flying up behind us and cut between me and the truck pulling a lane change. How she missed both of us I don't know but she couldn't have missed me by more than an inch or two. Only reason she missed is I was paying attention and floored it and the guy in the plumbing truck was paying attention and pretty much locked up the brakes.

To say I was seriously pissed off would be an understatement. I floored it and caught up to the gal. I rode a matter of inches off her bumper for a good mile honking, flashing my lights and making it very apparent I was cussing her like nobody's business. She lucky, if she'd have been a guy I would've caught them and kicked the driver's ass. But since she was just a girl I just wanted to put the fear of God into her that if you drive like a completely reckless idiot someone might well follow you and kick your ass. I wouldn't hit a girl but I've met folks before that just might have jerked her out of the car in a fit of rage and smacked her one.

Needless to say, I get a tad bit pissed when someone takes my life in their hands by being a reckless jackass.
"RustyRed" said:
To say I was seriously pissed off would be an understatement. I floored it and caught up to the gal. I rode a matter of inches off her bumper for a good mile honking, flashing my lights and making it very apparent I was cussing her like nobody's business.

if you drive like a completely reckless idiot someone might well follow you and kick your ass.

Uhhh, ummm, ok. LMAO
It pays to pay attention!!

Many moons ago when Deb and I were just dating, we were both headed to a restaurant in separate cars. Some assbag runs a stop sign and came within inches of creaming Deb's car. I immediately turned and followed the car to their house and when they stopped, I stopped right behind them, jumped out of the car and met the driver before she had a chance to get out of the car. It was a young driver and her Dad and I'm pretty sure I scared the crap outta her. I wasn't belligerent or overly mean, just explained to her how close she just came to living in JAIL.

I felt better and she apologized, so did her Dad. I'd bet she remembered to stop at stop signs from then on!
"silverblueBP" said:
I immediately turned and followed the car to their house and when they stopped,

Most would have stopped the car then and there......oh......wait......they were driving a PT weren't they. :lol
"AzPete" said:
Most would have stopped the car then and there......oh......wait......they were driving a PT weren't they. :lol
If that was the case, he never would have found her.