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Candlelight Vigil

The Coroner today released the cause of death for Whitney Houston. She had become hooked on nitrous oxide after dental treatment for gum decay related to cocaine use. She had been using the nitrous oxide on the day of her death but apparently she ran out of gas.

They say drugs killed Whitney Houston
But I'm not convinced, she was pretty clean when they found her.

What's dry, white and fluffy
Whitney Houston's towel.

I just heard about Whitney Houston's latest release. Her bowels.

What's the worst part about Whitney dying?
Bobby wasn't in the tub.

Whitney used to do commercials for Pepsi....
then spent all the money she made on Coke.

Reminds me of the motivational poster I saw yesterday, it said ..

It's O.K....

she's with her career now.
"70 StangMan" said:
Reminds me of the motivational poster I saw yesterday, it said ..

It's O.K....

she's with her career now.

What's 6 inches long & didn't get sucked on Valentine's Day???

Whitney's crack pipe. :skul
Whitney has 2 records now
She got 6 Grammy's in 14 years
She did 6 Grams in 14 minutes
Some are repeats, do not feel like editing them out


-I found an old black bag full of drugs floating in a bath yesterday. I called an ambulance, but Whitney was dead by the time they arrived.

-What's white, 6 inches long, and won't be sucked on Valentine's Day? Whitney's Crack Pipe.

-When the paramedics arrived they said "Its Houston we have a problem".

-Nintendo are releasing a new game based on the lives of Amy Winehouse and Whitney Houston. It's called WiiHab.

-What was Whitney Houston doing in the bath tub? Washing her crack.

-Large amount of prescription drugs found in Whitney's room... I bet Jacko's doctor is shitting himself.

-What's the difference between Whitney Houston and Amy Winehouse? 204 days.

-What's the difference between Whitney Houston and Michael Jackson? One was a crackhead and one fucked little boys.

-What's black, lies on the floor 'Will Always Love You' and has white stuff around its nose? A border collie.

-A back single mother overdoses... what's the big deal?

-Some sources claim that Whitney Houston is not really dead and that she's in character for her new film 'The Bodybag'.

-Charlie Sheen better die soon or heaven will run out of crack before he gets there.

-Whitney Houston cause of death: she waited too long to exhale.

-What's white and has two holes? The inside of Whitney's nose.

-Is it really snowing or did Whitney sneeze??

-What was Whitney Houston's biggest hit? Her last one.

-Why did Whitney Houston snort Splenda? She thought that it was Diet Coke.

-Isn't it somewhat ironic that a woman who hasn't been clean for years managed to die in a bath?

-Tragic news from the music industry "Justin Bieber still alive!"

-Whitney Houston died just hours after being asked to be a judge on the next season of X-Factor. Personally I think she made the right decision.

-A full day of Whitney Houston on MTV. I don't know who is in hell, us or her.

-With Whitney Houston now dead I think we'll see a vast improvement in her live shows.

-I bet they didn't need to draw any white lines around Whitney Houston's body.

-So Whitney died... now she's reunited with her career.

-Can everybody waiting to mourn over Whitney's death please form a line? It's what she would have wanted.

-On the day that Whitney Houston died Bobby Brown still played a gig. I mean it's pretty disgusting... what kind of people pay to see Bobby Brown?

-Whitney Houston found dead. Columbian economy collapses.

-Two detectives are in Whitney Houston's hotel room. One says to the other "I've never heard of her. What was she famous for?" The other copper replies "She was a very well-known musician". The first detective looks around and says "Ah, I see now. Let me guess, she played the spoons?"

-Dear Lord, thank you for answering my prayers. However you seem to have made a terrible error. I said "Britney" not "Whitney".

-For the first time since the early 90's, Whitney Houston has everyone talking about her latest 'Hit'.

-Confusion in heaven today as Whitney Houston tries to explain to Michael Jackson why 5 year old crack is bad.

-Live from the Beverly Hills Hospital's Life Support Division: Whitney Houston Unplugged.

-Decorations will be different in the Houston house this coming Christmas. There will still be a tree but fewer needles lying on the floor.

-Everyone seems so saddened by the death of Whitney Houston. What saddens me more is her greatest hits album will surely be out soon.

-Whitney Houston lived her life as I ski - face down in a pile of white powder.

-Whitney Houston has now been drug free for at least one day.

-Whitney Houston ended her life the same way she ended her songs. On a high note.

-It is such a shame to hear about Whitney Houston dying of a drug overdose. I was truly hoping that she died in a car crash while giving Mariah Carey and Celine Dion a lift.

-Yesterday I heard that the world had just lost a great asset to the music industry. One whom many referred to as 'The Queen of Pop' and I'd just like to take a moment and say we will miss her greatly. May Elton John rest in peace.

-Hey don't want to spoil it but the extended version of the bodyguard is on tonight, she dies in the end.




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