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Cop Joke (long)


This rookie cop, on his first day of solo patrol, pulls over a guy for speeding. As required by department policy, he advises the citizen that he is a probationary officer and all of his actions are subject to the review of a FTO, field training officer, and that the sitizen may ask for a FTO to come to the scene at any time. The Driver indicates his understanding of this policy.

The officer asks: DO you know why I stopped you?
Driver: Probably because I was speeding.
Officer: Is there any particular reason that you were speeding?
Driver: I am trying to get out of town before the body in my trunk starts leaking blood on the pavement.
Officer: Why is there a body in your trunk?
Driver: Because I shot and killed the guy that was trying to steal my pound of pure, uncut cocaine.
Officer: Where is this cocaine?
Driver: In the glovebox under my stolen pistol.
Officer:I need to see some ID.
Driver" I don't have an ID. They took it away from me when I went into prison and I did not have time to steal it when I escaped. My Name is Dave Sanborn.
Officer: You are an escaped convict?
Driver: Yep. Sure am.
Officer: Draws service weapon and calls for supervisor, holding the driver at gunpoint.
Supervisor arrives and officer says:
Officer: Sarge, I have a major collar here. This guy is an escaped convict with a body in the trunk. He has a pound of uncut cocaine and a stolen pistol in the glove box. THis is one major league bad dude.

Supervisor runs the guy's name on the computer and he comes back clean, with no convictions and no warrants. He checks the trunk, no body. He Checks the glovebox, no cocaine and no pistol. He goes to the driver and says:
Supervisor: I am very sorry, sir. The rookie officer reported that you had a body in the trunk, were an escaped felon, had cocaine and a gun in the glovebox. He was just wrong.

Driver: He probably said I was speeding too, didn't he?
I'm a little disapointed, in relation to your normal caliber of jokes. Not sure this is worthy of the VGOFL...

Just sayin'...
"70_Fastback" said:
I'm a little disapointed, in relation to your normal caliber of jokes. Not sure this is worthy of the VGOFL...

Just sayin'...

Ok, please insert the following line in the appropriate place:
"Because I shot and killed the guy that was trying to steal my pound of pure, uncut cocaine. Then I ass raped his corpse."

Better? They Call ME sick...
You 2 clowns need to STFU and let Kev tell his jokes the way HE wants to tell them. You homos can go get yer ass raped on your own!
"blue65coupe" said:
Yeah but J plays with scwetty balls. What else would you expect.

:lol :lol :lol :lol

Much better than my smartass comment!