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The NorCal dude from Belgium
To all.

Please follow the advice of scientist about the virus.
China took very quick measures again this virus and it took 2 month of hard discipline to get over it .....for now.
Italy did not , because they are Italians ,they have very close family ties and .....don't listen to (corrupt) politicians.
So now they have alot of mortalities every day !!!! By the hundred !!
Here in Belgium we took precautions on time but nevertheless we hope our hospitals can tackle the huge job that is coming !
Thank god we have an excellent health care system !

So please take their advice very very seriously. I don't want to spread panic but it is very serious .


Keep enough space between you and your fellow man. Social distancing !!
Was your hands on a regular base !
Avoid physical contact.
Cough in a tissue or in the elbow. Not in your hand/fist.
Disinfect on a regular base , in your car your steeringwheel , shifter , doorhandle. In house , doorknobs ect ect.

and last ... Keep calm and don't spread panic but inform people what to do.

All you say is useful and correct, Bruno, except the Chinese part. They didn't act fast at all. Had they the WORLD would not be in state it is. Furthermore, you can be assured their methods of "containment" were/are not as they would like you to believe. Nor are their infected and death numbers anywhere near as low as they claim. I'm sure tens of thousands more have been infected and likely the death count is in the same five figure range. They tried to hide and then cover this up at every turn. Never forget they have been the source of numerous worldwide viral outbreaks recently. Don't let their State propaganda they spew now fool you. This is a hardcore Communist country dominated by a heartless regime that cares nothing about its people. Or the rest of us for that matter.
And news is North Korea has it and is building A hospital...one....to combat it.

I will be going out for lunch to support the local eateries....take out of course.
Well Terry , I give everybody the benefiet off the doubt. And yes , the numbers the chinese make public won't be correct but history will reveille the truth in the end..

Here in Belgium people follow the instructions very well except when it comes to hoarding. It still occurs , not massive but like desinfected hand gel is hard to get. And toiletpaper.

We are now in a lock down ( light version) boarder closed for foreigners , everybody stays home or goes to work only when their safety is garanteed at work. Matter of keeping the economy still running.

Next week specialist should see at the numbers if there is an improvement by taken previous precautions.

To everybody in the states , take precautions.
Keep it save !
Here in the States, one by one, the individual States are mandating people stay home. Forcing the closure of all non-essential operations. Still people are stupid and insist on trying to act as normal in terms of public contact, etc. The scenes of spring breaker in Florida are unbelievable. Worse, the leadership of Miami, after finally closing the beaches and bars, asks all the kids to go back home. Surely there has been mass infection so of course the best thing to do is to send them back home all across the country. Idiots.
The first case that we know of was in Wuhan, China back in NOVEMBER! Think about that for a moment.

And to stay true to the numerous viruses in past history, we are talking about the China virus or flu.

Sorry Mikey. I hope that doesn’t trigger you Kali folks

The scenes of spring breaker in Florida are unbelievable. Worse, the leadership of Miami, after finally closing the beaches and bars, asks all the kids to go back home. Surely there has been mass infection so of course the best thing to do is to send them back home all across the country. Idiots.

Yeh , I saw that on the news !! UNBELIEVABLE . Thats gonna hurt !!
All you say is useful and correct, Bruno, except the Chinese part. They didn't act fast at all. Had they the WORLD would not be in state it is. Furthermore, you can be assured their methods of "containment" were/are not as they would like you to believe. Nor are their infected and death numbers anywhere near as low as they claim. I'm sure tens of thousands more have been infected and likely the death count is in the same five figure range. They tried to hide and then cover this up at every turn. Never forget they have been the source of numerous worldwide viral outbreaks recently. Don't let their State propaganda they spew now fool you. This is a hardcore Communist country dominated by a heartless regime that cares nothing about its people. Or the rest of us for that matter.
Couldn't have said it better. And the doctors/reporters who tried to alert the authorities/outside world about this new virus...where are they? Nobody knows. They've disappeared.
I'm fairly stupid so allow me my question. I understand social distancing and all that. But why would we close colleges? We know they're idiots because they are students. Remember how we were when we young and invincible. But they are also the least susceptible to the virus and would promote the herd immunity and actually give them structure and ensure they stayed away from seniors (except tenured professors - which would then open new opportunities in an industry where 30% of universities are reporting operating in the red). That would arguably be the safest thing to do with them, no?
Its not to make sure not everybody get that virus but to make sure not everybody gets the virus the same time cause hospitals and clinics can't handle that mass !! The elderly have to be protected at the most !!!!
Whatever precaution they will make ....its gonna cost us alot ......and that is an understatement.
Whatever precaution they will make ....its gonna cost us alot ......and that is an understatement.
Not cost us. Co$t China. When this is over the World needs to go after them. I read an article today about Russia being largely free of the virus. Patting themselves on the back for reacting so quickly. BS. China gave their partner an early "heads-up" and aided in making sure it didn't cross borders into Mother Russia. China knew much much much earlier than they claim what they had allowed to happen and failed to warn the rest of the world. They flat out lied on numerous occasions and details when asked early on about the outbreak there. It doesn't take much of a stretch either to wonder how much of their actions were maliciously calculated beyond the threat to just human life across the globe. I'm seeing a pretty large "hospital bill" headed their way.
I'm fairly stupid so allow me my question. I understand social distancing and all that. But why would we close colleges? We know they're idiots because they are students. Remember how we were when we young and invincible. But they are also the least susceptible to the virus and would promote the herd immunity and actually give them structure and ensure they stayed away from seniors (except tenured professors - which would then open new opportunities in an industry where 30% of universities are reporting operating in the red). That would arguably be the safest thing to do with them, no?
Because if they catch it. They can spread it to me. I am susceptible. :)
Was it that simple. !!! FAKE NEWS as trump would say.
I would put more faith in the malaria med chloroquine than this homeopathic approach, but it shows another potential approach to the problem. I doubt you'll see any studies done on this unless its funded by a hair dryer company. Sad but true.