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Damned if I didn't go and do it again! 'nother 8 point


Well I went to the other side of my property behind the 2.5 acre pond that has been there forever and has lots of wildlife. I sat down on a large bolder with the 30.06 this time. I used the buck grunt call a couple of times and a friggin' chipmunk about jumped my arse...lol. I guess I was in his territory or something. I waited a bit and did the call again and a danged rack showed up about 30 yards away and I let him have it right at the shoulder, perfect shot and he ran about 30 yards or so up the hill and dropped. I did not think I had even hit him at first as everything that has ever been shot with this gun by me or my youngest son, would just drop right there and never get back up. The 30.06 has awesome stopping power. I walked across the creek that comes out from the pond (overflow) and up the hill a little and there was blood so I am like "Yes"! A little further up and more blood to follow and there he was laid up against a tree and very dead. I checked the rack and yep another 8 point but a little smaller than the other, actually a very young deer. Well, I hiked out of the woods and went to get my old 8N Ford tractor and it was a little rough to get to him (old pulp wood trails) but I got almost to him and the dang tractor quit on me. Would not do dang thing. So it's getting dark by now, I hiked back out and went to get my '08 For F150 which I promptly got very stuck. It's been raining here way too much the last year basically and we are about 10 or 15 inches over normal so everywhere is wet. By now it is full on dark and an orange looking full moon is starting to peek over the horizon and my wife is sitting in the truck. I had gotten out to put some gas in the tractor to get it going. The battery was also dead at this time as it has been about 20F or so every night lately here. So I walked a back to the truck and she is getting a little worried as the coyotes started howling and singing, I thought it was cool but she did not like it. So we walked the 1/2 mile back to the house on the paved road and left everything until the next morning (Monday). My youngest son came up from Mobile Monday morning to visit and he went back with me at 8 am to get the tractor going and then pull the truck out (next truck will be a damned 4 wheel drive) and then we went down the hill to get the deer...luckily the coyotes had left it alone and it was very cold so no problem with the deer still being okay to process. I took it to to the processor and he weighed it ( I had already dressed it...gutted for you city slickers). It was right at about 120 lbs and he said it was a young deer and good genetics to be an 8 point already so some big daddy is really spreading his genes around back down in there! The other 8 point was 150 lbs and the rack was much larger so he was about a year older than this one. Here's a couple of pics! Hope you enjoy.





Here's one of the deer from a couple of weeks ago just to gauge the size difference.

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Very cool. Congrats. I've already spotted an 8 on the land we lease that I'll be working on next year. Nice kill.
"blue65coupe" said:
Very cool. Congrats. I've already spotted an 8 on the land we lease that I'll be working on next year. Nice kill.

That will great for you next year! :vic

One of the problems in years past around here is that we had so many road hunters that ran the roads and shot everything. Also my kids got old enough to start hunting on their own and they shot everything that wiggled down in there so it took awhile after they kind of lost interest (aka started worrying about the other kind of deer (dear) or girls. The "herd" is finally starting to recover somewhat. Might be some 10 points in there next year, I already found a 10 point shed earlier from the spring so somethings in there spreading the joy...lol.
Congrats! We're only allowed one buck per year regardless of method of harvest here in Ohio so I've been passing on the smaller bucks. I have venison in the freezer so I can be picky. Muzzleloader season starts here at the end of the week so hopefully I'll see a big one here on my place then.
I'm going to attach some pics, the first one is a monster 21 point that I had been after here for a few years. I've got tons of pics of him this year. A neighbor killed him about 1/2 mile from my place on the second day of shotgun season. His genetics are still here though, I've seen several smaller bucks with the same style rack so I'll just wait for them to get big

The next series of pics cracked me up just because there is a story to go with them so bear with me.
My daughter had taken in a stray cat which proptly had a litter of kittens. (go figure) Anyhow she was moving so she begged us to take one of the kittens since she couldn't take them with her. I'm not a big fan of cats but my wife likes them ok and since it would be outside anyhow I didn't figure it would hurt. The day she was to bring the kitten she called and said she had been able to find homes for all of them except one other kitten and the mother cat. Long story short we ended up with the mother too. When she brought them she explained that the old cat was a killer. She said it wasn't afraid of anything and wouldn't be surprised if it came in dragging a deer one of these days.
The first thing that happened when they got here was the mother cat whipped both of my dogs so I guess she was telling the truth. Anyhow, I've got a trail camera set up at the edge of my yard on the treeline and I download the pics from it every week. I was looking at them the week the cat got here and found this series of pics...it looks like the cat was waiting by the mineral block for something to kill when along comes this 9 point I've passed on several times this season.
I may leave the 50 cal. home this weekend and just take the cat.






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That was just a baby! They are monsters around here. Well, probably cause we all feed them and when we shoot them it is with a Kodak.

Nice buck.

Doug, too bad your neighbor got the first one. We don't have monsters like that here in the western part of NC. Down east is where the big boys hide. As far as the cat......I'd be using that sucker for coyote bait.
For many years, it was one buck and one doe per day the whole season from around Nov 21-Jan31. They have since changed it to iirc 4 bucks a season and a doe per day the wole season. We still have too many deer and especially doe down here. People run into them all the time and ruin their car and the varmints eat up any type of yard ornament flowers/bushes etc. and the farmers complain of crop loss to them also.
That is an awesome deer and a really cool cat! The deer around here just don't get that big. Most of those types (atypical) are up in north Alabama and Tennessee. When the game commission originally resettled the deer population in the deep south, they did it according to the vegetation and habitat for the animals. We got the smaller strain and up north got the big one's. It's interesting to see the different racks and sizes among the herds. Thanks for sharing...keep that cat on your good side, reminds me of the picture that was floating around of the cat that ran the black bear up a tree awhile back...lol.
I should have let this one go, but I needed one more to fill the freezer with cubed steak/burgers/roasts and he fit the bill. I did appreciate him giving his life so that I could be part of peta...people eating tasty animals...lol. In reality my degree is in Biology from Auburn Univ. so I do appreciate the animal domain and their part along with us in the habitat so we need to remove some to keep the rest healthy or they will all suffer in the end. I like pictures of them too, post some sometime as you have posted some neat stuff in the past I really enjoyed!
I was listening to this stupid trollop on the radio who HATES hunters. Thinks the whole thing is evil and inhumane. She is a meat eater, of course. She just likes her murder pre-packaged.

Also, when it was pointed out that if the herd isn't culled, it will grow out of control and everyone (human, deer, and other assorted species) will suffer, and that the deer will starve to death. She said that was OK because that was nature, and a natural death.

Whiskey. Tango. Fuckstick?

I am not a hunter, because I'm a wuss, I'm lazy, and I never ever hunted as a child, and have not ever had a yearn to participate. But I DO appreciate those that hunt to cull the herd, to keep us from running into them all the time, and to feed themselves and their families.
"I was listening to this stupid trollop on the radio who HATES hunters. Thinks the whole thing is evil and inhumane. She is a meat eater, of course. She just likes her murder pre-packaged."

Man, do people like that irritate the shit out of me.
I stopped hunting years ago, mainly because I'm lazy and don't care to get up at the asscrack of dawn, lug a bunch of shit into the woods, freeze my ass off, and then not see a damn thing. Happened to my Dad and brother last week. They had a week long hunting trip and didn't see a damn one. The place usually has a good amount of deer. I think they just sat around, drank beer, gave each other shit, then acted like they were hunting.
The best part of hunting is just being in the woods. If hunters didn't enjoy just being out there, they wouldn't hunt. Notice I said "hunters" and not "shooters". It may be cold, I can stay warm...most of the time. I may not see a deer, but I see the sunrise through the trees. That hawk that just flew within 30 feet of me...pretty cool. My favorite part of hunting is watching the sun come up and the world just sort of appearing. Now, pulling the trigger and having one drop is an adrenaline rush. It's hard to explain. It's an awesome feeling but when you get down to it, it's a lot more than that.
"blue65coupe" said:
The best part of hunting is just being in the woods. If hunters didn't enjoy just being out there, they wouldn't hunt. Notice I said "hunters" and not "shooters". It may be cold, I can stay warm...most of the time. I may not see a deer, but I see the sunrise through the trees. That hawk that just flew within 30 feet of me...pretty cool. My favorite part of hunting is watching the sun come up and the world just sort of appearing. Now, pulling the trigger and having one drop is an adrenaline rush. It's hard to explain. It's an awesome feeling but when you get down to it, it's a lot more than that.

That sounds very similar to fishing to me and the glass half empty half full thing as well. :wtf When fishing you are out in the woods. When waiting for a fish to hit your bait you can look around and appreciate your surroundings (half full thing) or just stare at your line and bobbin in the water and wonder if you are ever going to catch a fish (half empty). I have good memories of my uncle taking me fishing when I was a boy, I did not appreciate it as much then as I do now. fd
"The best part of hunting is just being in the woods. If hunters didn't enjoy just being out there, they wouldn't hunt"...

How true this is. I am more of an outside type person, I hate being inside for very long. When I was walking down to the spot I was waiting for this deer, I saw a beautiful fox that had a dark blue looking coat. He was prancing away as I came into the area. I saw a really nice red one about a month ago in another area of the property. I never shoot things like these as I enjoy watching them way too much. I saw several coyotes sneak by when I was hunting late yesterday evening, they ran across the path in front of where I was watching a buck scrape waiting for him to come to it and check it. Amazing how many critters there are running around when sitting quiet and just watching. I have missed getting a shot at many a deer because of just enjoying the moment and watching the chipmunks play or squirrels fighting over a nut or such.
"blue65coupe" said:
I may not see a deer, but I see the sunrise through the trees. That hawk that just flew within 30 feet of me...pretty cool. My favorite part of hunting is watching the sun come up and the world just sort of appearing. Now, pulling the trigger and having one drop is an adrenaline rush. It's hard to explain. It's an awesome feeling but when you get down to it, it's a lot more than that.

I'm with ya - last trip I didn't see a deer, but I had tree rats playing less than 10 feet from me, and a bluebird neary landed on the post i was leaning on. I told that story to lady at work, and she said she had them at home that would eat out of her hand. :wtf Not your tame squirrel, real wild ones.
Man you suck! I am am jealous :cry

I missed the only one I saw. Next year I will be also bring a 22 with a scope to get one of those turkey I kept seeing. I did not even see any hogs this year.