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Did Evil spend the holiday weekend in Detroit?

No, but I'll drive next time. Just some more dumb shit liberals doing their liberal thing and calling the police to say "oh there's a armored vehicle with a scarey looking gun on top riding around the neighborhood, I don't know what to do? please send help". This country is full of fucking morons that have been pussified by the lollypop sucking liberal left and were starting to smell like fish. If those fuckers don't like it here, then I suggest they hug up with the left loon import Piers Morgan (Piers Stefan O'Meara ie Susan for short) and catch a boat over to England where those frightening, wicked looking firearms will never be seen. What crime was done? And they confiscated his armored vehicle wtf? Sounds like the smell has rubbed off on the police force also. "What do we do Barney, he's got more bullets than we do." I love one of the comments left for for the loons from someone that appears to have a little common sense........ it says.............

"So let me get this straight. The guy was driving around with something that could not shoot bullets and was arrested? For what? Are you people that daft that someone driving around with something that makes sounds is suddenly reason for law enforcement to confiscate, charge and toss someone is jail? So why exactly is obummer and his sidekick "shotgun" joe biden running around free? They both spew more hysterical sounds than a nazi on drugs."
I forgot to say too that the little reporter that is eat up with it needs to see if he belongs to the Tea Party. IMO that news outlet needs a tampon, one of those with an air freshener in it.