I worked with a guy years ago that i invited to go river rafting with us. He liked it so much he came yearly on our outing of a full week of white water rafting. This went on for years. My kids grew up knwoing him as Uncle Arnie. A great guy.
He had a strange living arrangement where he had a camper at his work parking lot and only went home, to his wife, on weekends...some 150 miles away.
They found him dead in his camper Thursday morning. Natural causes. Seems being alone in that living arrangement he didn't take care of himself that well. Was the type to shrug off suggestions that he see a doctor.
Well he worked himslf into an early grave.
My daughter took it hard. She is 32yo now and has known Uncle Arnie since she was 8.
I miss him...I wish he was here so I could kick him in the ass. :bomb
He had a strange living arrangement where he had a camper at his work parking lot and only went home, to his wife, on weekends...some 150 miles away.
They found him dead in his camper Thursday morning. Natural causes. Seems being alone in that living arrangement he didn't take care of himself that well. Was the type to shrug off suggestions that he see a doctor.
Well he worked himslf into an early grave.
My daughter took it hard. She is 32yo now and has known Uncle Arnie since she was 8.
I miss him...I wish he was here so I could kick him in the ass. :bomb