Yak, yak, yak
As the title says, well I realized today, that's me! While I was watching some of the latest videos on Jay Leno's Garage tonight I made this discovery. One of them was about the Collectors Foundation and what they're doing to help preserve old car skills with younger folks. During the conversation Jay Leno made a comment about how many kids today don't have basic automotive skills or knowledge due to the way things have changed. He used an example of one of his shop interns being asked to get a phillips head screwdriver. The kid didn't know what it was. Jay said he kinda laughed, but realized that teaching a lot of the kids today has to start at the very basic level. He went on to say the kid have never been around tools because his father didn't really have tools. The kid just never learned. WOW! That hit me like a ton of bricks!
The reason it hit me so hard was I DO have tools, tons of them! I've always been a car guy (even did it professionally for awhile), my dad was a car guy, his dad, etc. I've tried through the years to get my son interested in wrenching on cars, but he really just never developed an interest. Okay, so be it. Just yesterday I asked him to run into my garage and grab a pair of channel lock pliers for me. He came back with them AND a pipe wrench! He then asked which one it was. Understand that my son is 20, but he honestly didn't know. I poked a little fun at him and then told him what each tool was.
After seeing that video tonight I realized, it wasn't his fault....it was MINE! I went into his room and told him about the video. I also apologized to him, not only for poking fun at him yesterday, but also for failing to ever teach him. Since he has to work tomorrow I told him that on Sunday when I got home from work we'd take some time to go out to my garage. We're going to go over the tools in my garage, teaching him what they are. He actually sound excited about doing it (which pleasantly surprised me!).
While I've failed miserably to date, fortunately there's time to fix it! I felt like a total schmuck as a dad! Lesson learned that I figured I'd pass along. Don't ever assume that your kids automatically know even the most basic gearhead stuff because that's what all of us are into. It may also be the reason why he never caught the car bug! Wish me luck with the tool lessons!
The reason it hit me so hard was I DO have tools, tons of them! I've always been a car guy (even did it professionally for awhile), my dad was a car guy, his dad, etc. I've tried through the years to get my son interested in wrenching on cars, but he really just never developed an interest. Okay, so be it. Just yesterday I asked him to run into my garage and grab a pair of channel lock pliers for me. He came back with them AND a pipe wrench! He then asked which one it was. Understand that my son is 20, but he honestly didn't know. I poked a little fun at him and then told him what each tool was.
After seeing that video tonight I realized, it wasn't his fault....it was MINE! I went into his room and told him about the video. I also apologized to him, not only for poking fun at him yesterday, but also for failing to ever teach him. Since he has to work tomorrow I told him that on Sunday when I got home from work we'd take some time to go out to my garage. We're going to go over the tools in my garage, teaching him what they are. He actually sound excited about doing it (which pleasantly surprised me!).
While I've failed miserably to date, fortunately there's time to fix it! I felt like a total schmuck as a dad! Lesson learned that I figured I'd pass along. Don't ever assume that your kids automatically know even the most basic gearhead stuff because that's what all of us are into. It may also be the reason why he never caught the car bug! Wish me luck with the tool lessons!