It seems it has become my lifetime quest to get the needle in the Temp gauge to move away from the 'H'. I had installed a 4-row radiator many years ago and I've always assumed it was capable of doing the job. More mods followed like a Flo-cool hi-flow pump, and an electric fan. I've begun to think the radiator, which I've always thought of as a known "good" might be my problem. I've talked with more and more people that have had less than stellar results with 4-row rads. The one I have was one of the first ever to come out with the look of an original. After running very hot on the drive home from the MCA show on Saturday, I decided I was going to do whatever it takes to cure this once and for all. I also decided the next logical step is an Aluminium radiator. I went with the Fluidyne from Mustangs Unlimited. I am stoked that I just checked the UPS tracking and it is scheduled to be here Friday evening. Here's the odd thing: it says the package, which includes the radiator, a temp gauge and 2 bottles of Water Wetter and it says the package weighs 4 lbs. That just seems too light. I know AL rads are a lot lighter than a brass one but only 4 lbs?