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Freudian slip


Two men are talking in the bar sharing their sob stories. One man says, "I had the worst Freudian slip the other day."

The other man responds, "What the hell is a Freudian slip?" "You know," says the first man. "It's when you mean to say one thing, but you say something else that reveals what you are really thinking about.

Like the other day I was at the airport, and this really sexy lady was helping me. Instead of asking her for 'two tickets to Pittsburgh,' I asked her for 'two pickets to Tittsburgh."

The second replies, "Oh, now I know what you are talking about. It's like the other day when I was having breakfast with my wife. I meant to say "Honey, please the orange juice," but instead I said, 'You ruined my life, you ignorant cunt'"

"silverblueBP" said:
heard that one before, but still funny as hell :lol

Kinda like this one:

"FordDude" said:
Two guys are drinking at a bar

The first says “Do you ever start thinking about something, and when you go to talk, you say something you don’t mean?�

The second guy replies “Yeah, I was at the airport buying plane tickets, and the chick behind the counter had these huge tits. So instead of asking her for ‘two tickets to Pittsburgh’ I asked for ‘two tickets to Titsburgh’�.

The first guy says, “Yeah, well I was having breakfast with my wife last week, and instead of saying ‘Honey, could you please pass me the sugar?’ I said, ‘You’ve ruined my life you fucking bitch!


No harm no foul, I do believe this was posted before ko67 joined. :craz fd
please accept my sincere apologies for the repost. I had not seen the prior post. Maybe I should go back to the butt rape jokes. :cry
"turq66" said:
and the punch line would be "You butt raped me, you ignorant cunt." :ep

:lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol
"ko67" said:
Maybe I should go back to the butt rape jokes. :cry

I guess it's best to stick with what you know :scar

Nah Kev, you're doing just fine with these. Nevermind the guy that has everything bookmarked on this site to check for repost. If you go back to the ass raping I hear Mid is looking for something that has a rear entry of like 36"x34".
"blue65coupe" said:
Nah Kev, you're doing just fine with these. Nevermind the guy that has everything bookmarked on this site to check for repost. If you go back to the ass raping I hear Mid is looking for something that has a rear entry of like 36"x34".
LMAO :lol :lol :lol

I wonder if FD has the battery acid thing bookmarked! :nta
"FordDude" said:
No harm no foul, I do believe this was posted before ko67 joined. :craz fd

OK I made my post bigger so that maybe we could see that I did not care or did I even use the word repost. I do not remember all of the jokes that I have posted, just some that I find memorable and close to home. :craz Because that is a Freudian slip I could make. :scar fd
Thanks to this place, I spend all day laughing and not enough working :lol