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Got a speeding ticket this afternoon


Well-Known Dude
Staff member
I have had some close calls in the 07 before, but this time I got my picture taken good. Getting on the interstate uphill on ramp and I was behind a bobtail truck. I hung back until the truck was merging then I sped up made my way over to the number 1 lane. By that time I was slowing down, but the damage was done. I saw the CHP parked perpendicular on the side of the road then my eyes went to the speedo. Crap. Drove past him and he got behind me and lit me up. He wrote me up for 10 miles over even though I was doing more. But what surprised me is that he said to go to court because "maybe I will not show up that day and the judge will dismiss it." He also told me that even if he is in court I can still go to traffic school. It has been awhile since I got a speeding ticket, last time was when the speed limit was 55. I am :bomb but not at johnny law for doing his job, but at myself for not being more careful.

This means that you need to perfect your line of excuses. Here's one I like...

"Please excuse me from this speeding ticket. My wife ran off with a state policeman and when I saw your flashing lights, I didn't stop because I thought you might be the trooper who is trying to bring her back to me."
"FordDude" said:
But what surprised me is that he said to go to court because "maybe I will not show up that day and the judge will dismiss it." He also told me that even if he is in court I can still go to traffic school.

Sounds like 'catch and release' he's in it for the sport :steer

Have fun in traffic school, my brother went at ~55 and was the only one in the room over 21, said he couldn't fit in the school desk...however after paying the fine and keeping it off his record (clean for 30yrs.) he got a letter from his ins. co. that his ins. was going down more than what he paid in the fines for taking the class. He called our mom to advise her that he learned at 55yo that crime does pay!
Nothing compares to that sinking feeling in the stomach when the lights come on.
Should have pulled up some of your posting pics......he would have forgotten about the ticket...

I am just waiting for the day..............
Good on you Tim. You're taking responsibility. :thu
Most people would bitch about LEO doing his job. The unfortunate part is that you didn't intend to speed. Take his advice. Go to court and try to keep it off your record. I think rather than him doing it for sport (by letting you know how to get out of it) he was doing it to slow you down (or anyone he stops) in your future driving and not to get you in a financial mess.

No me on the other hand. I was playing the game and I lost fair and square......98 indeed.....I was doing 120. :yah
Sorry to hear about your misfortune. You might qualify for on-line traffic school. (Although the newest version of Red Asphalt is pretty good, its' easier than spending time in a classroom.)
It's disgusting that you speed on public roads. You should be in jail, take it to the track Speed Racer.

"silverblueBP" said:
It's disgusting that you speed on public roads. You should be in jail, take it to the track Speed Racer.

Your just jealous he has public roads.
I left boot camp (Navy) in '75 to head to "A" school in San Diego when the limit was 55. Got stopped just this side of El Centro (Not sure you know how the mind wanders when we get old...lol). A female CHP! Being the usual suspect (Red neck from Alabama driving an almost new gran torino and sporting the latest buzz cut) She acted like I was the most suspicious character of the day. Approached from the passenger side and was really kind of nervous acting when I reached into the glove box for the "papers" she asked for. I had never seen a female officer before that wasn't a meter maid...lol. I sent the ticket in with the $20 for the fine. Got a letter from the "office" that I had not paid the fine a few months later. I called them and said I did pay. The lady asked how and I said with a $20 bill (it might have been a little more than that). The lady said, "honey don't ever send cash in the mail". I sent it again in the form of a money order that time per her suggestion. Damn, home boy got his first lesson in others dishonesty. I was use to being around honest people my first 19 years on this earth. Welcome to California!!! :homo