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I am pissed


I told ya'll about the tornado back in April that just destroyed our 71 acres. I have to have neck surgery in Oct. and just did not feel like crawling through the mess to check where pulp wood cutters were cutting the property just behind ours. I finally put the boots on and spent 45 minutes getting to the creek down the hill behind our house. Normally takes about 9 or 10 min. to walk back there. I kept it cut with the bush hog for years. Nice place to hunt (killed two 8 points down there year before last) a 5 point last year. No one else lives for 1.5 miles below me, so it's nice with no one around. The pulp wood cutter came way over the line fence (barb wire fence that was there for many years, 70 or so) actually just ran over it.
Came about 50 to 100 yards over it in some places and cut some large pine/hardwoods. Also took my best tree stand. I am very pissed! :rant I am calling some one tomorrow and finding out who the cutters were and also the land owner. They clear cut about 90 acres on their land. Absent land owners do stupid things. Somebody is getting a bill for this crap. :shee
I have read on one hunting forum here in Alabama how the cutters like to steal the game cams and tree stands, now I believe it. I hate a damn thief! We have castle law here and shooting thieves is considered "sporting"...lol. :char
There are 12 acres south of me that the only way to get in is through my property. Some wood cutter tried to get me to let them in that lot to cut. They said they would fix the fence when they were done (yea, right). I told them no and if I saw them back there I would shoot their trucks. Wood cutters are despised around my area because they come in and cut allot of time without permission. How are you going to put a tree back?

Lat time I let them cut mine area, they cut every black walnut when I had told them to leave them (even marked them with yellow paint).

This post hit my hot button and got me going again. Thanks
They did cut some large hardwoods. Those are what support the wildlife, acorns and such. I'm like you, every time I start thinking about it...my blood pressure starts going up! :bomb
My oldest son was in a restaurant just down the road and 2 guys were in there (about 2 weeks ago) and they were talking about arrowheads and such. He told them about my collection and they said they would like to buy it from me and gave him their card and said they were cutting pulpwood over this way. It might have been them. I'll get the card from him and see.
My dad was road commissioner (maintained township secondary roads) and asked wood cutters one year not to use the roads when it was wet or thawing in the spring--they did it anyway, untill the ole man called the county police and had them set up scales---they were way over on load limits---they were pissed---I never cared for most wood cutters---they always steal trees and leave a big mess.
"DougG69" said:
Sounds like these woodcutters fall under the heading of "varmints"...

I really like having castle doctrine here....just find 'em in the cross hairs and pull the trigger The 3 s's are the best. Shoot Shovel Shut up! :skul
Re: I am pissed... update

I finally found the woman that owns the property and she said the cutters stole 3 of her son's new tree stands. Anyway, she gave me the name/number of the one that was in charge (subcontracted it out to the actual wood cutters) and I will give him a call later this week. Aftert i get my throat cut/disc in neck fixed on Thursday....can't wait...lol :pbj
Very common around here. I would start taking pictures with the line marked before making the call. My guess is they will make a offer before it ever goes to court. IMO it will be much less than what they took. The land owner shoiuld have had the lines clearly marked.