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I got an early Xmas surprise at work.


Well-Known Member
A big bowl of f@## you soup.

One of the other managers in my district decided to quit the day I got back from California. Guess who gets to run 2 stores just in time for black Friday and the Christmas season. Yup, that's right me.

This is not the first time, nor will it be the last time I will be running 2 stores simultaneously. I have no problem with that.

What really sucks is he has no staff and thinks he sticking to the company by quiting. They have a total of 3 employees up there now. All but 1 are part time and don't want to work more than 1 or 2 days a week.

Nothing like working 6 days a week open to close to make for a merry Christmas for me. Yipeeeeee!

Sorry , just had to vent.
See y'all in January if I'm still sane.

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I hear there are large groups of people gathered all about this fine country of ours complaining they can't find work. Maybe you should stop by one of their "meetings" and offer 'em a job.
Re: I got an early Xmas surprise at work.

I am sure he had a job lined up , but he's not saying.

When my wifes complains about my hours I just remind her that I am glad I have a job.

We have 4 candidates for his job already. 2 assistant managers from my store have applied.

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"RapidRabbit" said:
Nothing like working 6 days a week open to close to make for a merry Christmas for me. Yipeeeeee!

A little (ok, a lot) Kahlua added into the morning coffee will help make for that "merry" attitude.
Re: I got an early Xmas surprise at work.

It's a shoe store.

I don't mind retail all that much. Been doing it for 20 years.
I just hate when people act like everyone who works retail must have flunked out of school and couldn't get a real job.

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Re: Re: I got an early Xmas surprise at work.

"SAC69" said:
A little (ok, a lot) Kahlua added into the morning coffee will help make for that "merry" attitude.

I'm not sure that's strong enough.

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"RapidRabbit" said:
I don't mind retail all that much. Been doing it for 20 years.
I just hate when people act like everyone who works retail must have flunked out of school and couldn't get a real job.

Look at it as an opportunity. The conversations always go the same. I know this because my wife has one of those important fancy jobs. Now she's smart and has worked hard and loves what she does but the scenario is always the same. You have those get togethers with "those people". Christmas party, banquet, some sort of social gathering which I strongly limit my attendance.

"Jennifer, good to see you. How is everything?"
"Great. Mr./Mrs. so and so this is my husband Duane."
"Nice to meet you Duane, I'm sweater vest slick haired blah blah."
"Good to meet you." (By this time I'm looking for the alcohol)
"So Duane, what do you do for a living?" (Mr/Mrs sweatervest is now sizing me up)
"I work at (insert retail establishment)."
"Oh, well that must be interesting."
"Eh, not really but it pays the bills." (They have no idea what I do nor care) "The best part about it is I don't have to sit behind a desk or in a cubicle all day. I don't know how people do it. Sitting on a computer crunching numbers surrounded by four walls for 8-10 hours would drive me freaking crazy. So, what do you do?"

I typically won't see the person the rest of the night and Jen laughs on the way home. The other person is the one who acts like they are really interested in what I do. Then they get the "I'm off the clock" version. Occasionally you'll get someone who wants to talk to a real person and that's cool.
Man, you retail guys sure are sensitive. Gotta learn to let it go.You were probably just as concerned with others opinions of you back in school as you are now. If you had learned to let it go then, you probably would have done better academically and not ended up in retail! :hide
"Horseplay" said:
Man, you retail guys sure are sensitive. Gotta learn to let it go.You were probably just as concerned with others opinions of you then as you are now. If you had learned to let it go then, you probably would have done better academically and not ended up in retail! :hide

:stfu :guns :guns :guns
Re: I got an early Xmas surprise at work.

"RapidRabbit" said:
I just hate when people act like everyone who works retail must have flunked out of school and couldn't get a real job.

LOL. I know a manager of a local Wallyworld, and his last bonus would suggest it's a real job.

Although, no fookin' way I'm working those hours (at least not at a job I can't do at night after kidlet goes to bed).
"apollard" said:
LOL. I know a manager of a local Wallyworld, and his last bonus would suggest it's a real job.

Bonuses are a plus. I can get an extra 20% every month.
The last 2 years I have made bonus almost every month.
They paid for my Mustang when I bought it and that's my resto funds too.

And I am not complaining about retail, just that the other manager quit before the holiday season.
I do very well in my job.
"Horseplay" said:
Man, you retail guys sure are sensitive. Gotta learn to let it go.You were probably just as concerned with others opinions of you back in school as you are now. If you had learned to let it go then, you probably would have done better academically and not ended up in retail! :hide

Sensitive? Not at all...that's why we're ABLE to work retail. I think you have it backwards. You couldn't work retail because your name tag would say "Terry" and not " T E R R Y "
"blue65coupe" said:
Sensitive? Not at all...that's why we're ABLE to work retail. I think you have it backwards. You couldn't work retail because your name tag would say "Terry" and not " T E R R Y "
I may not be the one who added that to my profile ( I suspect Jeremy ) but I do resemble it (as it appears to be a remedial spelling version) so I have kept it. You would think you retail guys would understand and be more supportive. Retail workers aren't the only dim wits, you know!
"Horseplay" said:
You would think you retail guys would understand and be more supportive.

You really are behind the 8 ball. Understand? Supportive? Get real dude. We only pretend to understand and be supportive so we can get people in and out. It's all about the customer count. Make 'em think they're right, make 'em think they're right quick, repeat. They don't send us to bobblehead school for nothing.
yup, never heard that before.
