The inducer motor on my furnace is making a louder than usual noise on start-up. I called a furnace guy I have used in the past and he said he was sure that was the problem from what I told him, he called back and asked if I was sitting down, he said the motor was $453. plus around $100 for service call and install. I said I might just hope for the best and put in a new furnace this spring (it still works but bearing noise at startup)Then I looked online and I can buy the same motor-(brand for brand and part # for $195.95. Now I realize there is a need for markup in business but this seems a bit steep---he claims that 453 was his supplier cost to him. I hate to do it but I ordered the online one (no shipping either) and I will put it in myself-(simple 4 screws-2 wires) --I normally would not mess with it myself but this is a $350 difference. :shrug