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If I ever get to meet Algore...



He's gonna get a double :nut

It's the end of April for crying out loud! Global warming my ass :char We had a nice rain and 64* temps yesterday. Rained most of the night (much needed thank you). Still raining this am then it changes to sleet and now snow. I have this sneaky suspicion that the store will be very S L O W today.


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I'm with you. Wth is going on.
It was in the 30s all weekend and snowing here. My sales have been complete crap for the last 2 months. We need to spring to come so I can catch up on my year. Weather really affects people shopping.
Yesterday and today, wearing shorts and sandals to work. Why? Low to Mid 80's again. When the hell is it going to cool down?
Summer's coming, it'll cool down then. I have fond memories of mowing my lawn in Belmont wearing a jacket.
I always knew Kansas was Hell; it will always be frozen over.
"silverblueBP" said:
He's gonna get a double :nut

You can give him a double :nut for me too. Woke up this morning to 5" of new snow. It hasn't reached 60 here yet this year. The joys of living in Minnesota...5" of snow on Tuesday and 73 degrees projected for Sunday. I guess it could be worse. I could live farther north. Duluth has had 51" of snow...IN APRIL.
81* here, with dew point about 45*. Awful conditions...the sun is blinding.