Today, I plunked down a significant down payment on a motor for my manual roll-up door on the middle bay. The middle bay has the lift located in it and currently a 5x10 utility trailer which I use as a work bench for welding and storage of this and that for the harness business. Meanwhile, my 5x10 utility closet is packed to the gills with well over 250 Mustang harnesses of all shapes and sizes, most of which cannot be refurbished but serve as cannibalization candidates. With that inventory of cannibals only to increase in the future, I needed more space. What to do...
I decided to ask my co-owner of the utility trailer to store it at his place vice mine, which frees up the center bay. I want to put my daily driver in the center bay so I can also use the lift when I need to. That will free up the left bay where my work bench, tools, computer, etc. are located. I'll have a 8x25 area to store plastic bins of harnesses to form a temporary "work-bench" and store the bins vertically as well for future expansion. Thus, the entire left bay will be devoted to the business. I looked into storage facilities, but the cost over a one year period would eat up too much of my income for my taste. With the purchase/installation of a motor for the roll-up door, I'll be able to use the center bay more effectively and free up room for the business.
The motor itself needs to be shipped from out-of-town, and a professional installer will install it in a couple of weeks. He tried to bribe me to exchange the motor and installation for the lift, but I countered with replacing all of the doors with insulated doors. We couldn't reach agreement on that, though...
I decided to ask my co-owner of the utility trailer to store it at his place vice mine, which frees up the center bay. I want to put my daily driver in the center bay so I can also use the lift when I need to. That will free up the left bay where my work bench, tools, computer, etc. are located. I'll have a 8x25 area to store plastic bins of harnesses to form a temporary "work-bench" and store the bins vertically as well for future expansion. Thus, the entire left bay will be devoted to the business. I looked into storage facilities, but the cost over a one year period would eat up too much of my income for my taste. With the purchase/installation of a motor for the roll-up door, I'll be able to use the center bay more effectively and free up room for the business.
The motor itself needs to be shipped from out-of-town, and a professional installer will install it in a couple of weeks. He tried to bribe me to exchange the motor and installation for the lift, but I countered with replacing all of the doors with insulated doors. We couldn't reach agreement on that, though...