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Ins. agents......suck.


Well-Known Member
We have had State Farm since the early 70's.......motorcycles, cars, ATV's, house.......given them a bunch of business. In Az., it was good and the rates were always the best I could get. Had a real good agent also.

Moved to Fl. 4 years ago. Transferred to a new agent and the first issue was the rates increased based on the location from their info. OK, a bit is ok. Then they say it is a new policy and I lost my long term relationship. Pissed me off but.....I stuck with them as I was dong a lot of changes in life and it was easier.

In the last 1.5 years, the office I deal at was sold to a new agent. A woman with several years experience bought it. Fine....went back to ask about my history with proof and still no discount for the time with them. Checked others and the rates were close so I stayed there. Then, the office help became questionable. The owner, (not hard on the eyes at all) hired young females to work the front office. Not a problem..(again, eye candy for sure)....but every time I went to do business, it was a new person.....and I was just another stranger to take money from.

Then, I went to pay and they had a young pit bull running around the office along with a lab and some other mixed mut. Vary poor for business having to move dogs so I can move.... Thought it was a one time deal but no....next time the wife went in, she did not like the dogs and I had to do business instead of her. She is not a fan of some large dogs if not well behaved.

Well, I finally got off my back side and talked to USAA....saved me $500+/- per year plus a full coverage on the second vehicle. Went into State Farm to cancel.....got another new worked.....and an attitude of who cares.... Told her I wanted to cancel my ins. and her reply was "Ok......" A few key strokes in the computer and all was canceled with no question as to why and the receptionist was out from behind her desk and into the back office before I got to the front door.

The guy from USAA was fantastic to deal with and I will be having my daughter talk with them to get her out of the State Farm office too......

Nice to have a place to let off some steam once in a while.....OK....I'm done.
I feel your pain Pete. We decided a number of years ago if we don't get good cust service, there are others that want our money. I can't tell you how many MD docs, eye docs, woman's plumbing docs we have gone through till we get good ones. It's a never ending process.

I have been very lucky to have a good insurance agent. It's only changed hands once in 18 years and that was even a long time ago. They still call on our birthdays!
Seems like the thread to ask...

I have had the same insurance company and agent for over 20 years. In that time frame we have had ONE accident occur. Another driver making a left turn across traffic pulled out in front of my wife in an intersection. She had a green light and the right-of-way. She wasn't able to avoid a collision but did react fast enough to reduce her speed to the point of only minor damage to her truck. Called our agent just to ask his opinion on whether to report it or wait and see if the other driver's insurance would pay without argument. He told me to call the main office and deal with them. No advice. No, "let me take it from here for you". Just call the main office. I was left thinking, how come on all those TV commercials the agents spring into action and take care of the customer? As it turns out, the two insurance companies decided my wife had 30% responsibility for the accident and the other guy 70% WTF? He was even ticketed. I still don't get that one.

Anyway, my real question is this. Is my agent an ass or is that how it goes? Between my cars and house I'm paying these guys north of $5k a year. You'd think one could get better service.
"Horseplay" said:
Seems like the thread to ask...

I have had the same insurance company and agent for over 20 years. In that time frame we have had ONE accident occur. Another driver making a left turn across traffic pulled out in front of my wife in an intersection. She had a green light and the right-of-way. She wasn't able to avoid a collision but did react fast enough to reduce her speed to the point of only minor damage to her truck. Called our agent just to ask his opinion on whether to report it or wait and see if the other driver's insurance would pay without argument. He told me to call the main office and deal with them. No advice. No, "let me take it from here for you". Just call the main office. I was left thinking, how come on all those TV commercials the agents spring into action and take care of the customer? As it turns out, the two insurance companies decided my wife had 30% responsibility for the accident and the other guy 70% WTF? He was even ticketed. I still don't get that one.

Anyway, my real question is this. Is my agent an ass or is that how it goes? Between my cars and house I'm paying these guys north of $5k a year. You'd think one could get better service.

I would have dropped them as soon as they said "call the main office"
It appears that all the ins. companies now use an adjuster sent from the head office. All the agent is for is to collect money.....sounds like time to look at a change. That is one reason I went to dealing on line with USAA......

Any more, I walk out of businesses with poor customer service, just after I have informed management and hopefully in front of other customers. Of course, most managers could care less too......one of these days..... :nut....and off I go
Insurance agents are nothing more than a friendly face to collect your money. They can not and will not help you when you need to use your insurance to collect because of a loss.
I didn't renew my Progressive insurance for my boat because it's permanently in Mexico and I have a Mexican insurance policy down there for it (a whole lot cheaper and better!). I had to have a US policy to take the boat across the border, but Progressive cannot cover the boat in Mexico. I just got an invoice for them for continuing to cover the boat before they cancelled the policy. Uh, guys, newsflash, you weren't covering the boat because it was out of the country and has been since September of last year. I threw the bill away. Next one will get a nasty message on it when I send it back to them.
I've had good luck with my SF policies for the past 30yrs., I was told by my current agent that I'm grandfathered and they 'can't' drop me (I'm sure there are clauses somewhere) and that he as an agent doesn't even have that protection because he wasn't with their policy when it changed.

I've always done business in person as you have it sounds Pete but luckily have only dealth with 1 agent when I lived in La. (really took good care of me after Katrina) and a new one when I moved to TN. The TN agent advised me to get the ''vintage' tag from DMV for my '67 so I only paid once for it (vs. yearly renewal/smog test on other DD's) and he would cover me whenever/whereever I had an accident even though to the state I should drive my vintage rarely.

I would like to see the insurance claim when one of the dogs in the SF office bites a customer....
Yep....my agent in Az. was great....also told me I could never lose my low rates. They paid out some serious claims when my son was on our policy and even after that, all was good. I never figured I would leave SF but....things change.

Another thing is it does appear it is worth looking at other companies for better rates....just compare apples to apples.

I made a comment about the dogs the first time.....answer was yes, aren't they sweet..... At least the law suit will not include the wife or me.