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It's obvious except to the ignorant


Welcome truth back
Latest news on Replublican Party's plan:
"party's plan to tap voters' fear"
Hey it worked in the 30s.....buy your brown shirts now.
"It's obvious except to the ignorant" :barf

Ya thats a fairy tale that we been hearing that alot lately from Democrats.

Everyone that doesnt think like you is stupid..... Right
"blue65coupe" said:
There's probably a reason this wasn't posted in the political section.

We're too ignorant to understand though :eek:mg
Hey JBauer4363,

I don't know much about politics, but I do know I love the look of your 70! Very nice looking car!
I saw "tap" and the 30's, and thought Phohibition, which was done away with in Dec, '33. Probably way off base though.
"KBMWRS" said:
Latest news on Replublican Party's plan:
"party's plan to tap voters' fear"
Hey it worked in the 30s.....buy your brown shirts now.

...bought the shirt this morning. Been practicing goosestepping eversince...doesn't seemed to have changed anything. Still 200k upside-down in the house, 28% interest on the citibank card. Am I doing anything wrong?
"GrabberOrange69" said:
...bought the shirt this morning. Been practicing goosestepping eversince...doesn't seemed to have changed anything. Still 200k upside-down in the house, 28% interest on the citibank card. Am I doing anything wrong?

No, you're doing everything right--just remember to vote Republican. The Wall Street elites, Fortune 500 CEOs, Financial Industry, Healthcare Industry,etc., will all thank you. Oh, and your individual situation well that's too bad--you know bailouts are ok for the big boys, but for for individuals that's welfare.

Don't take my response the wrong way, I feel your pain. I was in my late 50s when I retired in 2006, and then had to take on the responsibility for an elderly parent. I'm frustrated like everyone else--I, and maybe some others, just have a different take as to the root causes.
"Jack1966" said:
No, you're doing everything right--just remember to vote Republican. The Wall Street elites, Fortune 500 CEOs, Financial Industry, Healthcare Industry,etc., will all thank you. Oh, and your individual situation well that's too bad--you know bailouts are ok for the big boys, but for for individuals that's welfare.

Colmes??? Is that you?
"Jack1966" said:
No, you're doing everything right--just remember to vote Republican. The Wall Street elites, Fortune 500 CEOs, Financial Industry, Healthcare Industry,etc., will all thank you.

'Splain please. Why would some of the Democrats largest contributors thank him for voting Republican?

Follow the money: the fatter the cat, the higher the chance he is giving that money to a democrat.
OMG! I don't care which party you belong to, this is just wrong! The ferver about this guy and the blindness of these people! :ecit

It is scary that the parents would allow their kids to be brain washed. these kids will have a hard time in the future thinking for themselves! I am not saying any party is any better than any other, people should not follow blindly!

I see a huge problem here anyway, where people vote against a candidate and ignore the issues, which happened with many in this last election. It is going to happen again in 2012.

This shit is just plain scary!

This problem were in is not a Democrat or Republican issue. It is the fact that our "leaders" forgot who they work for. Deregulation resulted in a lot of what we are experiencing now. That started in 1999 with the elimination of Glass-Steegal Act. It wasn't Republicans in controll then. It continued with further deregulation under Bush. For this to be solved we need to put some regulations back in place. The other thing we need to do is take a big look in the mirror. Nobody was forced to buy their house, boat, RV or other toys. We did that ourselves and now have to pay for it. If you are pissed tall your congressmen or senators and stop blaming "the other party".

Sorry, I just hear too much of this blaming other people crap. Rant over.
"apollard" said:
Follow the money: the fatter the cat, the higher the chance he is giving that money to a democrat.
Are you saying they are democrats, or that they just give money to the democrats? Yes, to be sure, there are wealthy democrats--be it the result of guilt, conscience, or actual political convictions. But the wealthier you are, the more likely you are a democrat (or give money to a democrat)?
I'm sorry, but that statement makes no sense to me.
"Jack1966" said:
Are you saying they are democrats, or that they just give money to the democrats? Yes, to be sure, there are wealthy democrats--be it the result of guilt, conscience, or actual political convictions. But the wealthier you are, the more likely you are a democrat (or give money to a democrat)?
I'm sorry, but that statement makes no sense to me.

Without draging this to the other boards territory, yes, the ultra wealthy are generally democrats. I can name you half a dozen left enabling foundations setup by wealthy folks. Maybe they are not registered democrats, but they give the money to democrats / democrat causes, attend democrat functions, and support democratic candidates. Look real close at who is really behind the party, it is not the 'little people'.

Republican supporters tend to be rich, self made folks. Democrat supporters (who run the party) are the Heinz/Ford/Kiasers/Soros wealthy.