Spent 5 days an hour and a half drive south of cancun-(Grand Sirennis) last week--beautifull weather-snorkeled, swam, went to some shows,ate a lot, drakn a lot, --went to Mayan ruins, ate a lot, drank a lot,---went to a place in the jungle that had spider monkeys that they let you in with, they said not to pet Luna--luna will bite --wife got luna mixed up and petted her--luna bit her pretty good on knuckle--they shred when they bite,(she now has this urge to eat bananas and fling Poo now?) but she is fine. We went all inclusive--was incredible. Went to Tulum shopping one day, quite an experiance--policia standing outside banks with machine guns makes you kinda uncomfortable. Thank God I got air tickets before the latest price increase of fuel. I am sure a lot of you people missed my constant influx of humor! lol