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Light bulb moment


Active Member
Tonight instead of doing a project on the Mustang or going to Aikido to get ready for my test or just spending time with the boys practicing their baseball or pretty much anything that could be construed as constructive in some way I have to go to some fucking diner.

My wife has a new woman starting in her department. Can her idiot boss just take the three of them to lunch on the woman's first day. NO....we not only have to make it a diner thing we have to insist that everyone bring their spouse. What your mommy couldn't make it this evening?

I am none to happy about it...especially since I have to leave early and drive all the fuck the way to town for said bullshit diner. I really can't stand making small talk with people I could give a rat's ass less about and sure don't want to drive 70 + miles round trip after working all day.

But something dawned on me. This boss is the same woman that won't go to lunch by herself with a male (for example when they were doing interviews)...someone else has to tag along. What dawned on me is a great idea for diner conversation topic..."so how long ago were you running around on your husband?"

Bet ya my guess here is right, but sure pisses me off that it's wasting my time.
Damn, now I'm going to feel bad about going home,taking a shower,grabbing a couple cold ones and plopping my ass in the recliner and watching TV (while the wifes in the kitchen) until supper is ready. :amaz
"70 StangMan" said:
Damn, now I'm going to feel bad about going home,taking a shower,grabbing a couple cold ones and plopping my ass in the recliner and watching TV (while the wifes in the kitchen) until supper is ready. :amaz

Boy I won't. Hell, I might even go swimming with the kiddies tonight. I tell ya what, send me your phone number and I'll send you a pic of the cold beer sitting beside the pool while you're schmoozing and ooh-la-la-ing.
Thanks for the support there Duane...with friends like you... :nk

On the plus, I remembered to stick my 40 cal in the car this morning. Nothing like being down town after dark to make me wish I had my pistol...
If it makes you feel better, I have to drive into the "big" city for puppy training class tonight.

No beer, lots of outta control dogs and their loony owners :eek:mg

My wife asks me all the time to go visit some of her friends. I never go. Sorry, but their kids are fucking annoying and loud. Yea, like I want to go to a house where one kids yells constantly, the other yells louder than the first, and the smallest one likes to stick her hand in her asscrack then wants to touch you. Fuck that noise. I'll stay home with the dog and hang out in the garage.

So what's her boss' excuse having all their husbands go? Her's not have his own friends or something? Bet you he's one of those "he-bitch" types.
"Kats66Pny" said:
If you're attending the class, doesn't that make you loony as well? :craz

Uh Kat, that goes without say'n :craz
Have someone call you with an emergency at work... then disappear.

A guy at work (before cell phones) once asked the boss "Did I get an emergency phone call?"

The boss said no.

He said well I'm going to.
"silverblueBP" said:
If it makes you feel better, I have to drive into the "big" city for puppy training class tonight.

No beer, lots of outta control dogs and their loony owners :eek:mg

Glad to hear you and Deb still have date nights. I think calling her "loony" though may be a little harsh. She's probably just sick and tired of you humping her leg and pissing all over the carpet. Give her a break.
"turq66" said:
Have someone call you with an emergency at work... then disappear.

A guy at work (before cell phones) once asked the boss "Did I get an emergency phone call?"

The boss said no.

He said well I'm going to.

LMAO. I always tell my AGMs when my in-laws are coming into town. It's a law with them that if they get a "911" text from me while the in-laws are in they better drop what they're doing and call me with a "situation at work". Typically their call is about a piece of equipment "stopping". Don't tell me it's broke, just tell me it stopped. They can cut it back on after the call.
"blue65coupe" said:
LMAO. I always tell my AGMs when my in-laws are coming into town. It's a law with them that if they get a "911" text from me while the in-laws are in they better drop what they're doing and call me with a "situation at work". Typically their call is about a piece of equipment "stopping". Don't tell me it's broke, just tell me it stopped. They can cut it back on after the call.

I just might squirrel that tidbit of info away for later use, what's your wife's cell #?
"silverblueBP" said:
I just might squirrel that tidbit of info away for later use, what's your wife's cell #?

Hey brother, if you think you can handle the in-laws just head on down here. It's been a while since she's been to the zoo also. You showing up at the door would be like the whole package rolled into one. "Look honey, we have the elephants, the rhinos, the blind bats, etc all right on our doorstep. Now where's my 500 so I can put this *thing* out of it's misery."
Damn man, that made my rib hurt :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol
Well...as a side note. I was bored beyond tears but did manage to survive. Even managed to make it through the several stop lights in that part of town without having to pull the pistol on any car jackers.

I still have to wonder why the boss can't go to lunch, diner, etc without taking hubby to diner or some other person from the office if it's a lunch thing. Either hubby is a total control freak or she's messed around on him in the past. I thought about asking but figured there'd be hell to pay when I got home so I took a pass and opted for being bored.

Didn't get home till almost 10 p.m. which combined with fighting traffic most of the 30 + mile drive to get there really sucked.
"RustyRed" said:
But something dawned on me. This boss is the same woman that won't go to lunch by herself with a male (for example when they were doing interviews)...someone else has to tag along. What dawned on me is a great idea for diner conversation topic..."so how long ago were you running around on your husband?"

Bet ya my guess here is right, but sure pisses me off that it's wasting my time.

We practice that as well. Perception is reality, so it avoids gossip that soandso and soandso were off having lunch or dinner together. And it is a preventative tactic to a relationship to not set yourself up for an affair. Its not about trust or chaperoning, its accepting a bit of reality and not setting yourself up with a inappropriate situation.
I was bored beyond tears but did manage to survive.

One word:


I don't care where the wife wants to drag me as long as I can have a few beers. No beer, no me go.

True story. Gabby takes dance classes.... constantly. Sometimes 3-4 classes a week. From belly dance to salsa and everything in-between. She asked me earlier this year if I'd "please, please, please" take a couples cha-cha class with her as all of her GF's would be there with their hubby's. I told her if I could drink beer in the class I'd do it.... knowing full well that there was no way in hell that it would be allowed. Guess who convinced the dance instructor to allow me to bring a six-pack to class? Guess who ended up taking a couples cha-cha class?