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Mark Coleman local hero


Hope all is well with everybody...gotta vent for a minute. A local man named Mark Coleman was recently killed in Afghanistan when he stepped on an explosive device. He had done two tours and was on his third when this happened. You hear about deaths all the time but when one happens to be from your own tiny community it really hits home. The sickening thing is some out of towners have gotten permits to protest the funeral here. What am I missing? Even if you disagree with the war its still a human that may have had no choice but to be sent miles away from family/friends etc to fight for our freedom. I say its pretty sickening that people do this. If anybody is interesed in reading about him go to goldendale sentinel.com and its on the front page. Take care everybody
Sorry to hear another hero has paid the ultimate sacrifice only to have a bunch of A-holes protest at their funeral. I think they should let the sniper schools practice on these fucktards that protest.
I like Rick's idea.

I am sorry to hear of the loss Pat, keep in mind that WE appreciate and hold in high honor those that are and do, willingly serve in our great military.
We had a boy close to home die a few years back also, sad very sad, I knew him, he was a good kid, back to the protestors they should be sent to a special place and left to feed on each other,around here they have a very large group of bikers(all types-they are called patriot riders) that ride in the procession and deter most protestors. Sorry to hear of another loss----
"Flysure1" said:
We had a boy close to home die a few years back also, sad very sad, I knew him, he was a good kid, back to the protestors they should be sent to a special place and left to feed on each other,around here they have a very large group of bikers(all types-they are called patriot riders) that ride in the procession and deter most protestors. Sorry to hear of another loss----

Yep in a town that normally see a couple bikes a week is flooded with them today...how cool is that? I read that article that Ryan referred to and got to thinking...what if one of their members went to war and was killed?

Kinda funny to hear everybody in town plotting what they want to do to the protestors.....
For two cents I'd drive a car right into those protesting basturds and see how many I could get. This crap is really pissing me off. End of vent.
"napaguy" said:
what if one of their members went to war and was killed?

They don't really have "members." Almost everyone in the cult is a family member. If anyone in the group tried to join the armed services, I'm sure they'd be shunned for working for satan.

Do not try to apply logic to their message...they are beyond ANY form of logic. They are all the lowest form of life, and Fred Phelps is one of the few men alive whose death I will celebrate.
The main group of military funeral protesters are from Westboro Baptist church

I would just love to get that idiot that runs that church onto my property way out back and then get him in the crosshairs of my 30.06 scope for about 1 sec. End of problem. :ep
People with agendas can be simply put, ignorant fucks. As long as you have people that honor the life of the person that gave the ultimate sacrifice, these people are as insignificant as dick pimples. I only hope that freinds and neighbors can shield the family from actually having to see these morons. Being out of towners I would hate to think of any of the locals doing anything to their food or pissing on their pillows or anything like that :craz
Has your community considered "boycoting" the protesters? For example, refusing to rent them hotel rooms, serve them food at restaurants, sell them gas, etc.......
While I agree with your thought Jeff, those worthless turd gobblers would sue the town businesses and more than likely win........cocksuckers.
Yep. Their church is the courtroom and they LOVE to go to church. Their "agenda" against gay people is really just a way for them to make money. They just try to be controversial so people will cross the line with them, and they get to sue sue sue.
"oateater" said:
For two cents I'd drive a car right into those protesting basturds and see how many I could get. This crap is really pissing me off. End of vent.

Rent a Toyota and have at it, then blame the car.

The irony is, the freedoms of this country that those soldiers are fighting others to get are what allow those idiots to exercise their right to protest. Basterds.
Everyone hates those morons, but no one will really stand up to them. The entire group is nothing but lawyers. They do that shit because they know no one will touch them in fear of lawsuits. There's a special place in Hell for them. May their "church" bus fly off a cliff.
Let'em come "round here" doing that shit. We may be dumb "hillbillies" but "usen" know how to deal with fuckers like that. I'd give them 30 minutes.