Alright Midlife, I know your probably getting tired of this stuff, but I do appreciate the answer to the last question. I am just trying to get this wiring done, where I can get on to better things (brakes, gas tank, and stuff like that) and get it back on the road. So here we go. I need to know what these wires are for...
Headlight Switch:
Pink/Orange to Fuse Box
Red and Blue to Fuse Box
Yellow/White fuse box
Brown Wire goes to an Unknown plug
Green Wire to Door Jam plug
Black and blue wire to plug then to other door jam plug
Another black and blue wire to another unknown plug and then to a door jam plug
Green and Yellow wire to Fuse Box
Windshield wiper/washer switch
Black and green to Instrument cluster
Purple and white to Unknown plug
Pink and white to fuse box
Orange and blue to fuse box
Red to Fuse box
Black and white to fuse box
White to Fusebox
Black and pink to Fusebox
Black and green to fuse box.
Instrument panel plug
Black and green
Green and white
yellow and white
Black and green resistor wire to windshield wiper plug
Black and green dotted
Black - Ground
Red and Blue
Pink and White
2 Red and orange wires
and a white and blue
Turn signal Switch
Light Blue
Dark Blue
2 Light Green and White
2 White and Blue
White and pink
Blue and orange
Black and Pink
Green and orange
And another green wire going to what I am guess is the brake switch?
And I do apolagize for bringing all of this too you at once, but I figured if you could get it to me all at once I could get the car wired back up pretty quick and then get my brakes done, and get everything grounded for all the lights and then Find some tires and start cruising. After I put my interior back in that is.
By the way if I can get this all figured out and where everything is working as it should I will do a How-To on Rewiring the car that way anybody that comes along later, or wants to rewire there 73 Will be able to just look on here and just have to start cutting and splicing without the hassle of the old Wiring Diagrams. Thanks Midlife, I hope I don't anger you too much by doing this. lol.
Headlight Switch:
Pink/Orange to Fuse Box
Red and Blue to Fuse Box
Yellow/White fuse box
Brown Wire goes to an Unknown plug
Green Wire to Door Jam plug
Black and blue wire to plug then to other door jam plug
Another black and blue wire to another unknown plug and then to a door jam plug
Green and Yellow wire to Fuse Box
Windshield wiper/washer switch
Black and green to Instrument cluster
Purple and white to Unknown plug
Pink and white to fuse box
Orange and blue to fuse box
Red to Fuse box
Black and white to fuse box
White to Fusebox
Black and pink to Fusebox
Black and green to fuse box.
Instrument panel plug
Black and green
Green and white
yellow and white
Black and green resistor wire to windshield wiper plug
Black and green dotted
Black - Ground
Red and Blue
Pink and White
2 Red and orange wires
and a white and blue
Turn signal Switch
Light Blue
Dark Blue
2 Light Green and White
2 White and Blue
White and pink
Blue and orange
Black and Pink
Green and orange
And another green wire going to what I am guess is the brake switch?
And I do apolagize for bringing all of this too you at once, but I figured if you could get it to me all at once I could get the car wired back up pretty quick and then get my brakes done, and get everything grounded for all the lights and then Find some tires and start cruising. After I put my interior back in that is.
By the way if I can get this all figured out and where everything is working as it should I will do a How-To on Rewiring the car that way anybody that comes along later, or wants to rewire there 73 Will be able to just look on here and just have to start cutting and splicing without the hassle of the old Wiring Diagrams. Thanks Midlife, I hope I don't anger you too much by doing this. lol.