I need some advise. I put on the new carb. today with a new set of Felpro gaskets. one on the intake and one on top of the spacer. Bolted down and hooked everything up and she fired right up as soon as the fuel hit. Watched for leaks as the choke opened up and saw none. Let it idle for about 10 min. and took a quick ride around the neighborhood. Ran great !! then pulled into the drive and sputtered out and died. Would not start back up. I got out and checked and gas was pouring out around all sides of the carb and spacer gaskets like a whore. Checked the nuts and was able to get a 1/8th or so turn on them. Let everything dry out, re tightened the nuts and try to fire up and once again fuel was pouring out around the gaskets. :wtf