Active Member
While delivering some cordwood to a friend of mine, the clutch pedal in my Jeep Wrangler went dead. I learned to power shift a few years ago, but what a PITA navigating through town.... stoplights.... without a clutch..... hauling almost a ton of cordwood.
Wanting to get all of the wood delivered... mostly to clear my "cordwood collection area".... I turned around and made a second trip.
After all of the wood was delivered I pulled the Jeep into the shop expecting to be replacing the clutch master, but not looking forward to it. Although the clutch master was only a few years old I suspected that it was sucking air at the reservoir to body seal. It wasn't and it got worse. I re-filled the empty reservoir and watched all of the fluid immediately pour out the bottom of the bellhousing.
Bad hydraulic throwout bearing. F*** !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I replaced the clutch on the Jeep approx. 3 years ago and it didn't get any easier this time.
After getting everything removed/disconnected, it turns out that the problem is the bleed line for the throw-out bearing. While I replaced the throw-out bearing 3 years ago, I re-used the pressure and bleed lines. The soft mild steel metal of the bleed line had busted clean in half allowing the leak.
Due to the nature of the line.... it has a flanged end on it.... it can't be made locally and I had to order a whole new slave clyinder to get the new lines. $98 later and my Jeep is still sitting in the shop waiting on the mailman.
Here's a picture of the throw-out bearing and lines....
Wanting to get all of the wood delivered... mostly to clear my "cordwood collection area".... I turned around and made a second trip.
After all of the wood was delivered I pulled the Jeep into the shop expecting to be replacing the clutch master, but not looking forward to it. Although the clutch master was only a few years old I suspected that it was sucking air at the reservoir to body seal. It wasn't and it got worse. I re-filled the empty reservoir and watched all of the fluid immediately pour out the bottom of the bellhousing.
Bad hydraulic throwout bearing. F*** !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I replaced the clutch on the Jeep approx. 3 years ago and it didn't get any easier this time.
After getting everything removed/disconnected, it turns out that the problem is the bleed line for the throw-out bearing. While I replaced the throw-out bearing 3 years ago, I re-used the pressure and bleed lines. The soft mild steel metal of the bleed line had busted clean in half allowing the leak.
Due to the nature of the line.... it has a flanged end on it.... it can't be made locally and I had to order a whole new slave clyinder to get the new lines. $98 later and my Jeep is still sitting in the shop waiting on the mailman.
Here's a picture of the throw-out bearing and lines....