Hi all! I cleaned out the 20 gallon harbor freight parts cleaner I have used for about 8 years. I do use mineral spirits in it and it works great (yes, I do know it is not supposed to be used with minerals spirits and has a flammable warning. I keep a large fire ext. close by and no sparks etc). It has cleaned up 3 engines/2 trannys/ and numerous carbs/small motor stuff etc-etc. Lots of gunk in the bottom, drained/scraped clean and refilled by pouring the fluid through a paint filter back into the cleaner. The mineral spirits is still a little dark and I would like to clean it up some more. I tied some steel wool on the end of the spout and ran the motor for awhile but still dark fluid. I cleaned the motor filter (kind of like a pad that is in the box the pump pulls through) but want something that is finer to clean up the fluid some more. I did a search here and got nothing. Any ideas here? :shrug