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Being retired and on a fixed income, there are always things that show up as possible suppelmental income sources....hmmmmm
TALLAHASSEE, Fla. (AP) -- Florida is trying to enlist citizens in a campaign against tobacco tax cheats. The state made the trade in illegal cigarettes more lucrative this year by increasing the cigarette tax by $1 a pack.
The Division of Alcoholic Beverages and Tobacco on Wednesday announced that it'll begin paying informants up to 50 percent of fines collected for illegal cigarette sales. The agency also has set up a toll-free hot line to report sales of cigarettes without the required tax stamp. The number is 1-866-540-7837. The last four digits spell PUFS, the name of the campaign.
TALLAHASSEE, Fla. (AP) -- Florida is trying to enlist citizens in a campaign against tobacco tax cheats. The state made the trade in illegal cigarettes more lucrative this year by increasing the cigarette tax by $1 a pack.
The Division of Alcoholic Beverages and Tobacco on Wednesday announced that it'll begin paying informants up to 50 percent of fines collected for illegal cigarette sales. The agency also has set up a toll-free hot line to report sales of cigarettes without the required tax stamp. The number is 1-866-540-7837. The last four digits spell PUFS, the name of the campaign.
"Midlife" said:After 11 hours driving home as a bootlegger (14 cartons of cigs in the trunk at 60% of FL prices), I finally made it. Along the way, the bank called about possible fraudulent credit card purchases, but they turned out to be real. And no, I won't tell you her name! PM me, however, for her telephone number for the next time you make it to MB!