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Removing paint from chrome trim


I Don't Care. Do you?
As I continue to go through all the boxes of parts in the garage I found I have two full sets of the chrome trimmed fastback vent/louvers. One set was brilliantly spray painted black by a PO. Some of the paint has come off and the chrome revealed looks really good. I don't feel any pitting on them so I am anxious to strip off the paint and see how they look.

Whats the best way to remove the paint and not damage the underlying chrome? Soak it in something like lacquer thinner? Oven cleaner?
I would not use oven cleaner. I have used lacquer thinner to get paint off chrome many times. I even soaked some powdercoated parts overnight in LT before and it softened the pc enuf to where I could scrape it off easily with razor blade. Just cover the pan of LT with foil to minimize evaporation.
If it's chrome over pot metal, why not just use paint stripper. Strip Eaze works pretty quick with spraybom paint. Brush it on with a cheap brush, working it in will probably loosen it pretty quck then just rinse it off with water to get the major crap off and pressure wash to knock out any crap in the crevises.
Do not use paint stripper, as that will ruin the fiberglass surrounding the grills. Easy Off Oven Cleaner HD (with lye) will not affect metal, chrome, or fiberglass. It's the bee's knees for this work!
So I assummed he was talking about the exterior chrome vents... do the exterior vents contain fiberglass parts as well?
Yeah, I was talking about the exterior pieces. Should have been more clear but with Mid's input at least we got it all covered.

I played around a little prior to asking with lacquer thinner and it worked but took a while and some effort. I'm going to soak an area for a while in a little and see how that goes and depending on the results I'll keep on that path or go the oven cleaner route since it is all metal. I was just worried the oven stuff might affect the chrome.

Thanks guys!
"silverblueBP" said:
You could also try Acetone.
You suggesting I should experiment with new stuff? Jack's already is keeping notes on us as it is.
You could mix acetone with nitrogen enriched fertilizer, phosphorus and potassium. It would clean it so well, you wouldn't even recognize the part!
"silverblueBP" said:
You could mix acetone with nitrogen enriched fertilizer, phosphorus and potassium. It would clean it so well, you wouldn't even recognize the part!
And now the feds have us on a list as well. Way to go, Mark!
It's Mark's secret (not so much anymore) ear canal cleaning fluid.
You could also try brake fluid - it was used on MuscleCar last week's show to remove paint from plastic pieces and it did not damage the part.