I need to sell one of our daily cars and with all the scams and robberies going on resulting from ads in craigslist, how the heck are you suppose to sell?
Just this morning on the news, two guys go to see a car for sale, make an offer, take the car for one more test drive and then puts a gun to the sellers head demanding him to get out of the car and off they go with his car.
But financially speaking, besides cash, what other means of payments are safe to accept? Bank draft? Cashiers check?
Just this morning on the news, two guys go to see a car for sale, make an offer, take the car for one more test drive and then puts a gun to the sellers head demanding him to get out of the car and off they go with his car.
But financially speaking, besides cash, what other means of payments are safe to accept? Bank draft? Cashiers check?