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say a prayer...


Well-Known Member
i'm off to the gastro specialist to try & find out whats wrong with me (not my head, we all know thats been "off" for years). really been having some bad issues in the past few weeks, but really bad since last weds.
God be with you - take care and keep us posted on your prognosis.
going in for an upper gi scope on tues, so 5 more days of this. started last weds night & hits like clockwork each night. feel good all day long, then at 1:30 the first three nights, then at 11:30 the following two, my whole digestive system locks up tight as a drum. starts with a tightening in the throat, moves into the upper part of both arms, then the most awful chest pains hit & it lasts for 1-3 hrs. worst pain i've ever felt & it goes away as quick as it comes. no burping or farting possible during these spells, just building pressure. guess the bright side is the primary care doc wanted me to lose 5 lbs a couple weeks ago. i've almost hit the 10 lb mark in the last week do to being so gunshy to eat anything & set it off.
Just hope that they do not want to send a probe down your throat to check your vocal cords. Heard you can have a bad outcome from that procedure. o_O

Good luck and hope that your real procedure has a positive outcome in that they find something that can be "Fixed"

Man that sounds awfully familiar. I do that every now and then, usually kicked off by something I ate. Doc said I have ibs, which is Dr speak for "I have no f'n clue.".
Good luck and hopefully all is OK.

I've had the upper GI done and I'm due to again soon.

Hopefully it's just a bad case of reflux. My acid reflux got so bad I was running to the emergency room thinking I was having heart attacks. It would shoot pain down my left arm so bad I could not lift it. I couldn't eat anything without going into pain.

Last week I ended up in the er again for heart palpitations. They have Been going on for a couple weeks.

I really feel for you. Seems Its always something.

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had a good night last night, best in a week. doc gave me a script for omeprazole, which BCBS denied so was going to be $180. bought two bottles off the shelf for $10 (thanks obamacare!) hope that it helps. should be an experience next week as in all my 46 yrs, i've never been put to sleep! told the mrs that it would give me an excuse to act like an idiot afterwards, she said " why do you need an excuse now??"
scope went well, took a biopsy & it came back negative. the meds are still keeping those episodes at bay, but think they are giving a few minor side effects that are keeping me from felling back to normal. i'm getting things done around here again, just have to push myself to get at it, so guess time will tell...
Glad to hear it was negative.
It took me awhile to adjust to the reflux meds. I have to go to something stronger every couple years.

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thanks for sharing this with us.
you never know what happens to your self and sharing some experiences is more or less usefull for somebody, some time.
I am 55 and have some fysical issues for the last 7-8years.
Mainly lower back , legs and feet.
Cramps , fatique and pain of course.
Lot of tests , but no diagnose.