DM289 says I need to post more, so I'll bite. I'm building a new engine, and one of the things I've never cared for with SBF's is the distributor in the front. Oh, I love the accessibility of it, I just don't like the cluttered look. So on my new engine I want to do whatever I can to clean things up.
So show me what you got! I'm looking for ideas and specifics about what wires, holders, routing, etc.. you all used. What about the distributor caps that re-arrange the wire locations so they can be routed cleaner - good? bad? why? What distributors do they fit? Pics, descriptions and comments are what I'm looking for.
So show me what you got! I'm looking for ideas and specifics about what wires, holders, routing, etc.. you all used. What about the distributor caps that re-arrange the wire locations so they can be routed cleaner - good? bad? why? What distributors do they fit? Pics, descriptions and comments are what I'm looking for.