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Sick puppy

Not some deviant, but my real doggy.

ORCA, 16 month old Malamute, was lethargic refusing even his favorite treats yesterday.
I was so worried we took him to the emergency vet clinic last night.
He didn't seem to have an obstruction which was my first concern.
Since he had just come home from Doggy Camp after the weekend, the vet thought maybe he just caught a virus, like kids getting snotty noses at day care.
They gave him a bolus of fluid and some antiinflammatory med.
He seemed to perk up and even ate and played late last night.
Today he's lethargic again and now wretching. I found a blob of vomit by the back door.
Back to the vet this afternoon.
My poor baby...
Did the Vet check for Porvo? Its very serious but big dogs can weather the storm because of their size.
Keep us updated Joyce, no one likes a sick puppy (not making a joke folks)

Most likely your vet hit it right on the head. Having been in the pet care industry my entire life I speak from a bit of experecne. If you get most vets alone and after a couple of adult beverages they will tell you to a one. These days there primary source of patients come from either Doggy day care situations or Dog Parks. Just like your kids and mine when they first started going to school, colds, flu, and hair lice, scabies's the whole nine yards add to that the fact that altogether we all love our four legged friends they all don't get along and since they can't hit or kick each other they do what comes natural and use the teeth.

The Pet Industry and even many vets do encourage these programs but if people would use a bit of common sense they would steer from some of the practices. Even though the pet owner thinks there doing Spot a favor in fact your putting him at risk. No to mention when the dogs aren't in Playtime area's Which is high percentage of time they acre kept in Crates while another group is out.

Sorry I have to get off my soap box :shyn Hope your dogs only takes a little time getting over what ever may happening
Back when my dog was 7 wks old, he picked up a case of coccidia after he ate a few kitty "treats". It was alot like what you pup is doing. After a trip to the emergency vet and an overnight stay, he came home with all kinds of meds and some really bland canned food. I spent 2 days taking him out every hour so he could do his business. Literally taking him out, he wouldn't walk to the door. I'd have to wake him up and take him out, or he would make a mess in his sleep. It was pitiful. After a few days he was back to tearing up the house and harrassing the cats.

Did they test for coccidia?
Thank you for your kind and informative words.
Just back home from vet for second time.
Damn, don't think I've spent this much on medical care for me in several years total.

No obstruction as indicated yesterday. They didn't test for anything specific.
Gave him an injection to stop the vomiting for 24 hrs. and two types of antibiotics. If he resumes puking after 24 hrs or still refuses to eat then we go on to more investigation. The vet seemed pretty certain it's a gastro bug that he'll soon overcome though.

I took him for a brief walk after the vet visit and he seemed more energetic than earlier today.

I know there are a lot of doggy/pet lovers on this board, so it's good to be able to share my fears.
Thank you!
