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Things that annoy you


Well-Known Dude
Staff member
OK so I got this from another Mustang forum, but it is turning into a funny thread. So lets see how it goes here. I am going to do a cut and paste of a good post. I do not agree with all of it and I will highlight what I think is really good.

When driving...
- There is a speed limit. Go it. If you're unable to go the posted speed limit, which is endorsed by the government so we know it must be safe, get the hell off the road.

- Your car comes equipped with two turn signals. They're standard. They don't cost extra. They aren't a premium. When you change lanes, use them. If it's too much work to lift or lower your finger to turn the signal on, you probably should not be driving anyways.

- Your vehicle can fit in one lane, no matter how big it is. Semi-trucks are able to do it, you can do it in your Escalade. The only exception for this is explained below.

- If one lane is ending (due to construction or not), and you are the ending lane, move over BEFORE the lane ends. You cause traffic jams when you do not follow this suggestion, whether you realize it or not. If people decide that they are too important to wait and merge PROPERLY, feel free to pull into 1.5 or 2 lanes and block them. This isn't only a good idea, it's possibly one of the only instances where being rude is actually productive and polite.

- Going 90+ in your Sebring sedan, mom's minivan, or 1990 Taurus does not make you cool, Mr. Teenager. The only thing you are doing is endangering your life and the lives of others. Chances are that you cannot handle that speed in ANY car, let alone a car that is not designed to curve at that speed.

- Drive a car that is appropriate for you. If you are a single adult with no children, you don't need that 8-seating SUV that you can't handle and you must take entrance/exit ramps at <5mph with. If you can't park it, turn in it, stay in your lane, or drive it at the speed limit, you are a moron for buying it.

- If you are Mrs. Teenager going 90+, you probably don't even realize it. The item below is directed right at you.

- I have no problem with you eating, texting, talking on your phone, etc, while driving. However, when it impairs your already limited driving ability (see above)...stop. Just stop. You're obviously incapable of operating a vehicle that millions of other people are able to operate. You don't need any other distractions.

Still dealing with cars, but when not driving...
- That wing on your car has a purpose. You will never come into contact with that purpose. You will never need the downforce. Therefore, take it off. Poser. You are not cool and I would bet it makes it hard to see out your rear-view mirror. Get outside of the Need For Speed world more often.

- That body kit that causes sparks to fly when you turn corners? Yeah, you're a moron. Yeah, I am laughing. At you. And your car.

- The same goes for raised trucks that will never go off-roading and the Harley-wannabes. In the infamous words of Eric Cartman, you're fags.

- If you have no idea what you are talking about (re: what your car is, what it has done to it, how fast it is, etc), shut your damn mouth. You are making yourself look even more retarded than you already do.

- Stickers do not add horsepower.

- I don't care what your brother's car runs. I don't care what your "boi"'s car runs. If you don't have the balls to race me in your car, roll up your window and keep on jerking yourself off. Chances are you'd be make to look stupid if you touched the gas pedal.

- Yes, I can beat your 1400 horsepower twin-turbo Supra in my 300+ horsepower Mustang. Traction > you.

- Yes, it is a V6. Yes, you're a moron. Face, meet curb.

In restaurants, grocery stores, etc...
- If you are unable to do your job correctly, I am going to let you know about it. I don't care if you came in hungover, if you're too lazy to do it correctly, or whatever your excuse is. You don't get freebies.

- I don't care if you're black, white, semi-retarded, disabled, etc - if you are hired for a job, do it. You don't "not do" a part of the job that you were hired for. If you are a service clerk, you do the bottle room.

- Your boss does not hate you because you're black.

- If you wanted paper bags, you should have said so when I asked you which bag type you wanted. You didn't give me a response, you get what I feel like giving you. Inconsiderate bastard.

People and society in general (+ education!)...
- In keeping with the inconsiderate theme...QUIT BEING AN INCONSIDERATE PRICK. If someone is walking close behind you when you open a door, you hold it for them! It takes almost NO extra effort on your part.

- The same rule applies for elevators. If you are the first one in, you DON'T push your floor's button before everyone else get in.

- In America, we walk on the right side of the sidewalk/hallway. We drive on the right side of the road. If you are walking on the left side (my right side) of the sidewalk/hallway, you are WRONG. I WILL NOT MOVE OVER FOR YOU. WHEN I BUMP INTO YOU, IT IS ACTUALLY -YOU- WHO IS BUMPING INTO ME.

- If you are walking in a group and you take up the whole side walk, yes, I WILL walk through your group. I will ride my bike into you and your friends. Yes, I DO hope that one of you gets injured. Then maybe you would think twice before taking up the entire walking path.

- Unless you have a disease, being fat is a choice. It's what you eat and it's how you exercise. If you are the woman who comes into Busch's and buys a (literal!) cart of Lean Cuisine frozen meals EVERY other week when they are on sale...you are still HUMONGOUS for a reason. Lean Cuisine (and the other related brands) operate on the principle of eating in moderation. If you eat 3 portions in one sitting, YOU ARE STILL GETTING AN UNHEALTHY AMOUNT OF CALORIES, FAT, SUGAR, etc. You will NEVER become thin like the woman on the front of the package.

- Since being fat is a choice (and an obnoxious choice, at that), I have no problem with you being charged for two seats when you, in fact, TAKE UP TWO SEATS.

- Smoking. Period. That doesn't need to be explained.

- If you are a pedestrian and you are crossing the street, a parking lot, whatever...I don't care if you have the technical right of way. You are inconsiderate if you walk in front of a car when you could have just as easily walked behind it. I will not wait for you to cross the road while you talk on your phone, wait for your friends in the middle of the road, etc. I WILL make you move, whether you want to or not. My 3000+ lb car will destroy you.

- I have no problem with foul language. ****, ****, damn, hell, bitch. I DO have a problem when it is the entirety of your vocabulary, when you use it around kids, or when you wear a shirt with expletives on it around children (http://www.bewild.com/biker-shirts.html). Keep it to yourself, keep it within your circle, whatever.

- Same goes for homosexuality. Oh no, I said it, the dreaded word. Call me a homophobe all you want. I don't want to see, hear or deal with your attraction to people of the same sex. Yes, I think it's unnatural. Yes, I shudder when I think about it. No, I don't think you should be killed, discriminated against, etc. I just don't want to hear about it.

- Same goes for you heterosexuals. I don't want to see you licking your boyfriend's face in public. I don't want to see you trying to finger your girlfriend in the park or at Six Flags. Grow up.

- Twilight is a fad. Teenage girls love it. If you're in your 20s (or almost 30, Margot), you're a little old for the foolishness. It's also horrible writing. Seriously. The storyline, the sentence structure, the typos that her editors missed...it's pathetic. Welcome to puberty. Again.

- Speaking of Twilight and teenage girls...whores. They're annoying. They're typically ugly. When I see 14 year old girls wearing skirts that force me to see their underaged ass cheeks, I want to puke. You're revolting. Nobody will ever respect you. You will be used, destroyed, rendered unable to walk, pregnant by 17 and then thrown away like a worthless piece of trash.

- Parents who don't parent. You should be sterilized for the betterment of mankind.

- There is a difference between your/you're and they're/their/there. We learned about this in 2nd-8th grade. Over and over. If you don't understand it, your thoughts are probably just as stupid as you are and would be better off staying inside your head.

- If you understand the difference between your/you're and their/there/they're, but are too lazy to differentiate between them, you are just as bad as the people who don't understand it.

- Computers come standard with a shift key. Two, normally. Your computer also comes with a period key, a comma key, and a question mark key. Use them, you lazy or unintelligent asshole.

- A typo is acceptable. It's when your entire post, thought, paragraph, paper, etc, is full of them that you become labeled as an idiot.

- E-thugs. You're not cool when you threaten to "kill my nigger ass" with your "9mm pisstol" (actual quotes, I'm serious). First off, I'm not what you refer to as a "nigger." I'm white. Second, that word was put to rest last year by the black community. I saw it on TV. The moment it comes out of your mouth, I discredit any opinion or fact that comes after (unless the word is being used in a descriptive or correct manner, but we all know about that). Third, I'd be willing to bet you don't have a "pisstol" or any other weapon besides a kitchen knife or mommy's sewing scissors. You're some 90lb, 25 year old white kid. Shut your stupid mouth.

- Your ADD/ADHD does not cause you to fail school. People have had it for years and they are still productive and successful members of society. There are medications for it. You take them, just like people with diabetes monitor their blood sugar and take insulin if necessary. Quit your whining and quit asking for handicaps (aside from the obviously necessary accommodations).

- If you are black, Hispanic, gay, blah, blah, blah, and you ask for a handicap, a boost, or an advantage...I do not want you to EVER cry racism or discrimination again. YOU YOURSELF are admitting that you are INFERIOR to me and everyone else that is not getting that assistance. Black people do not need help getting into college, they are perfectly capable of that. The same with Hispanics and gays and anyone else. When you want that extra help or that extra point, you are admitting that you are an inferior candidate. Suck. On. That.

- Stereotypes are not always generalizations. When you make them come true...they're true. They're not racist, they aren't because white people keep you down or because white people hate you. They exist BECAUSE YOU MAKE THEM EXIST WITH YOUR STUPID BEHAVIOR(S).

Red I really agree with, brown I do not.

Another post someone cut and pasted a scam email as something that annoys them. A response was a link to this website. http://forum.419eater.com/forum/album.php

Oh and things at annoy me;
People who cannot put shopping carts away
People who smoke with kids in the car
I just encountered one...back story is our building has some yuppie / uppity grocery store built into the corner of the parking garage and they reserve pretty much the entire first floor of parking for their customers. Of course this store draws in all the uppity kept women and their idiot husbands who think the world revolves around them in general.

Coming back from lunch some bozo was waiting for people to put their two bags of stuff from their cart in the car. They of course were taking their sweet time loading their stuff and the line of cars was backing up all the way around the corner, out of the parking garage, around that corner and jamming up traffic in the street. The person waiting finally grabbed a clue and drove the 5 to 10 spots down where there was a spot wide open for them to park in. Hope they didn't get too tired walking the extra five parking spots worth of distance.

Pisses me off...guess they don't realize the other four floors of the garage are people who work here and might have to get back to work if they're on lunch hour.

Complaining to management wouldn't do any good though...the same guy that owns the building owns the store.
Biker attire with inappropriate language? Is this even possible?

My thoughts on this is that it gives youngsters the chance to see the words "tit's" "fuck", "asshole" and "shit" in writing so that they'll be able to spell these words properly later in life.
cell phones

If your at a store checking out hang up and call the person back. :rp

Walking into people while texting. Stop, pull over and send your precious text so other people can get by you.
&quot;RapidRabbit&quot; said:
cell phones

If your at a store checking out hang up and call the person back. :rp

Walking into people while texting. Stop, pull over and send your precious text so other people can get by you.

I was driving down the road one afternoon a few weeks ago and thought another guy on the road with me was falling down drunk the way he was driving. Turns out nope, he wasn't drunk...he was on his blackberry while driving. I had to wonder how he'd feel if he mowed down a car load of people? How important could that e-mail or text really be?
If you're gonna jaywalk, hurry the f*** up! Don't amble across the street because you know traffic will stop for you! I swear, sometimes I think I'm the only one who hurries across the street so as to not impede traffic.

While driving: If I stop to let someone back out of a driveway or parking space and you're behind me, don't drive around me! You impatient douchebag!

Thanks, I needed that. :po

People at work who tnink I will come to their house and fix their broke ass pc, just because I fixed their broke ass work pc.
Blackberries....the phone kind.
Geico and Progressive commercials....sick of talking lizards, metrosexual sensitive cavemen, and weak "husbands" with European shoulder bags.
The general public....yea people in general irritate the shit out of me.
Robert Gibbs. That blithering idiot looks like Dilbert and sounds like a moron.
Ricers. Face it, your Honda with a fart can isn't cool, it's fucking annoying. There's 3 of them at one house on my street.
People keep telling me that Aussies live on another planet,
but everything i read here is identical to what we have to put up with, except on the other side of the road.
How sad
&quot;silverblueBP&quot; said:
People that get annoyed by Cruzers


I actually didn't have you in mind...I was annoyed because I had to spend part of my Saturday messing around with the wife's cruizer instead of working on the Mustang then had to spend some time at the tire store on Sunday morning due to the wife's cruizer.

It's always something with that POS.
Checkers at any store that get to talking to the person in front of you and stop working. Damn it there are other people in line!

Stores that don't have enough checkers! Damn it I just spend a ton of time in your fricken store, now let me pay you and get on with my life!

People who drive fast until they are in front of you and right nest to the car you need to get around to make a turn, then they just slow down to the speed of the car to the right and now you either miss your turn or have to make an illegal right turn from the number 1 lane. Happened to me today. I wanted to get out and strangle a few people in town today.

Hell, I am just annoyed by everything people oriented! That is why I live in BFE! I only go into town when I have to, a quarter of a tank of fuel in my F350 lasts me three weeks or so. I just make trips to the mailbox and back. Oh, that reminds me, when I went to the mail box, I parked and got my mail. I looked down at it maybe 3 seconds, and two people pulled up and blocked me in. What a couple rubes!

People who travel down the freeway in my blind spot. I never travel in another cars blind spot. Either speed up or slow down or change lanes but don't camp out where I can't see you. If there is a road hazard requiring a fast reaction I probably won't remember you're there and run you off the road.
Amen Rusty! I like to just start hugging the the center and drifting just a bit, to get them to move. Hehehe, it is funny to watch in the bus.
