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Thursday bitch session


Well-Known Member
The fast food employee. You know the one. Your total is $6.05 and you give 'em $11.05 to get a five spot back and they hand you back the $1.05 saying it was only $6.05 while looking at you like you're a dumbass. How about when you order a "plain bacon cheeseburger" and they ask you if you're just wanting a plain burger?
I use my debit card because of that reason. Seems basic math is overrated nowadays.
And I order my burgers plain too. I've had to explain what plain is. Meat, bread, cheese. Got that Newton?
I have been avoiding fast food due to doc's orders. He didn't like my cholesterol levels and told me to watch my diet and exercise. So, no cheese burgers with fries for me lately.

But I have had the experience where something was wrong with the register and the kid working couldn't figure out simple change...and we wonder what's wrong with this country, perhaps it's the public schools?
Here's a very fresh bitch :po

I just came back from the local hardware store which I went after a 3/8x18 plumbing plug with recessed hex cap, to seal up a threaded hole in Shag's water pump. I brought another piece with the correct threads to match with. Told the guy in the plumbing department what I was after. "Recessed Hex? Oh I'm sorry but we don't carry that. You should let your phone do the shopping a maybe call a couple plumbing supply houses"

I say thanks anyway and turn around to walk away when what catches my eye up on the upper row of plumbing fittings? A whole fuckin row of recessed hex plugs and right in the middle of the row was my 3/8x18 plug waving at me.

I grab it, turn around and say "excuse me, but here's the cap you said you don't carry". "Well, goes to show you what new comes in when you take 3 days off, go figure" he says.

I walk away saying "Well looking at those price tags on those hooks, I'd say these have been here longer than you have".

As I paid for the 79 cent item, I asked the cashier if he can see a sales history of this item and sure enough, they've had them for years.

:po :po :po
Amber used to have that problem with one of her workers. the guy didn't take the time to find out what was there. She used to get so fed up.

Wal-Mart has what they call Mods, where everything gets rearranged fairly frequently. I hated it at first because I always had to look for what I wanted. But now I figure part of the reasoning is so that the employees have to touch everything and then they know where it is.

I hate it when I go to a store like Home Depot and their employees don't have a clue where something is or if they even carry it.

Went to Staples the other day and she showed me everything I didn't want and bragged about their low prices. I went elsewhere and got the same thing for $11 instead of $30.

Cut and paste of what I just put on my Face book page: "Dear Mr. Repairman who works for Sears...you are an idiot. If the instructions say call my cell phone when you are on the way how does that translate to you call my house phone from my front door step then leave before I have a chance to return your call. Calling your 800 number is useless since they move slow and barely speak english."
Went to a KFC once years ago with a co-worker and we used the drive -thru window. The woman told him the total was $6.95, we pull around to pay and my friend decides, in an effort to ease the amount of change he has, gives the girl $7.20. The 20 cents is in nickels and pennies, so now he's thinking ok, I'll just have a quarter in my pocket now. Well, it frustrated the girl so bad, she finally handed him the bag AND all the money and said, don't worry about it, it's ok, go ahead. We laughed for hours!
"beach pony" said:
Went to a KFC once years ago with a co-worker and we used the drive -thru window. The woman told him the total was $6.95, we pull around to pay and my friend decides, in an effort to ease the amount of change he has, gives the girl $7.20. The 20 cents is in nickels and pennies, so now he's thinking ok, I'll just have a quarter in my pocket now. Well, it frustrated the girl so bad, she finally handed him the bag AND all the money and said, don't worry about it, it's ok, go ahead. We laughed for hours!


Your post reminded me of a garage door opener I purchased many years ago from a pre Home Depot big box store. The item was about $175.00 and the young cashier was unable to correctly enter the price on his register. After several minutes of futzing around he tells me it's $110.00 (approximately). I show him the price tag is $175.00 and he just looks at me and says $110.00. I said fine, it's your store, paid him and left. My impression is that traditional four function math is no longer being taught in the schools, rather they are taught how to use an electronic calculator and when the calculator malfunctions, they are like deer in the headlights!!
Tracey and I love McDonald's. She likes her Big Mac, though, with just lettuce and cheese. Once when I ordered the "Big Mac with lettuce and cheese only", I got home to find I received a bun with lettuce and cheese on it. What a f'n moron!

Now I order it without onions, pickles and sauce.
John, the kid just followed instructions.

One time I wanted an inmate to turn around and face the wall so I could put handcuffs on him and I said, "Turn around!" he did and kept turning. Around and around and around. I got so pissed off....

Everyone watching busted up laughing. How can you possible get mad at them for laughing, I thought? I am the one who told the guy what to do.


It is very funny though!

"johnpro" said:
Tracey and I love McDonald's. She likes her Big Mac, though, with just lettuce and cheese. Once when I ordered the "Big Mac with lettuce and cheese only", I got home to find I received a bun with lettuce and cheese on it. What a f'n moron!

Now I order it without onions, pickles and sauce.

Went to a Mickey Ds and ordered one of their double cheeseburger meals. That's back when it was two single cheeseburgers and not one "double". It was late on a Thursday night and when I got home one of the burgers was missing the meat. The ketchup and onions were there...just no burger. WTH? Anyway, I ate the other and the fries and laid the burgerless burger on the counter. Got up Friday at 6, went to work, and after work I headed back to the parents house for the weekend. (I was living in Durham at the time) Monday rolls around, I go to work and get back to my apartment about 10pm absolutely starving with nothing to eat. There on the counter lies my burgerless burger. Hmm, I'll get it replaced. Head up to the Mickey Ds, walk up to the counter, tell the guy what I ordered and then showed him the burgerless burger. Dude started laughing hysterically and said, "Hold on, my manager has got to see this." He goes to get the manager and when she gets up there the conversation went something like this:

Cashier: "This guy ordered a cheeseburger here the other night and look what he got!"

Manager looks at burger, looks at me, and says, "So you ordered it without the meat?"

My look of utter confusion must've flipped a switch because the cashier looks at the manager and replies, "Who the hell orders a burger without the burger?"

She, the manager, then turns around and walks off!!! Cashier dude was cool though. He gave me another combo. Just remember, these people vote.
"johnpro" said:
Tracey and I love McDonald's. She likes her Big Mac, though, with just lettuce and cheese. Once when I ordered the "Big Mac with lettuce and cheese only", I got home to find I received a bun with lettuce and cheese on it. What a f'n moron!

Now I order it without onions, pickles and sauce.

John, that's friggin hysterical!
Oh, I forgot on the In-N-Out special menu you can order a cheeseburger without the meat!

Description: Cheeseburger without the “burger.�
Comment: I always order the grilled cheese because I don’t eat beef and veggie burgers are boring. It isn’t as boring as a regular grilled cheese. The sauce makes it better.

"guruatbol" said:
Oh, I forgot on the In-N-Out special menu you can order a cheeseburger without the meat!


That's for the high carb low protein diet, eh?

(Still laughing at johnpro's big mac story)
I was just drug to taco hell by the pregnant wife and I told them no lettuce, tomatoes, or onions. What do I get but tomatoes. Is it that hard to follow simple directions.
The boys' nanny always watches them a little extra for me on Monday nights so I can go to the grocery store...frees up my weekends not screwing with a grocery store trip.

At any rate, I was in the store for a while since I bought a couple of hundred worth of stuff.

There was some gal I kept running into on most every aisle and the entire time she was on her f'ing cell phone yaking to heaven only knows who.

I almost said something to her a couple of times along the lines of "hang up the f'ing phone and stop running over people with your cart and getting in people's way..."

I was really shaking my head wondering who this chatty Kathy that pulls her own string thinks she is.