I have belonged to a local Masonic lodge for about 10 years, our district has a couple fundraisers yearly to fund 2 scholarships given to local graduating seniors. We require no Masonic ties and we do not specify what the money must be spent on, just college related. You must submit a 300 word essay on a subject we pick. All applications must be returned to me by 4-30-2012. I catalog and then forward the essay only to be judged by a group of three--they have no info where it came from--they are small high schools for the most part (prob less than 1,000 students total combined enrollment) but we have had the applications available at the 7 high schools for nearly a month and I have yet to receive a single applicant!--last year we had 12 total apply and they were in the last week. I have had the info that they were available in the schools published in 4 different newspapers and I have sent it to 3 radio stations trying to get it aired -- We are kind of frustrated about the poor turn out we get on this. We have talked about trying to get it up to two $1,000. scholarships but I think $750 should get some better responce---I remember when our daughter graduated in 02 there were a lot of scholarships for a lot less-----Ideas?---we are not in a financial position to give thousands right now but we might be there in a few years.