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Where do you Fall in this?


I was talking with someone that I have known about 25 years and the subject of the US spinning into massive unrest/gun confiscation/economic turmoil/gov takeover of states and communities...you know, your average revolution/Red Dawn sort of situation. I looked at him and basically said: You would do whatever it takes to stay alive, I would do whatever it takes to stay free! Now I served 4 years US Navy so maybe that colors my view on this subject, he did not. What I intended with my statement is simply that given a situation of being tortured or in a line up for the firing squad, he would turn people in to the local U.N. general or leader over the area that we would be in. Maybe for having a weapon or being an insurgent or freedom fighter. I would not, and would be doing everything I could to get away/fight back/destroy the enemy invader and if that cost me my life....so be it. Just the way it is and hope that my life would cost the enemy dearly whether it be our present government or some type of invaders. He would be trying to be "safe" whereas i would be trying to gain freedom! Where do you fall in this conflict?
His trying to stay safe while ratting out people would get him killed in an event like you mentioned. He will instantly be labeled a traitor from one side, and a useful idiot by the other. Once the overlords have used him for their purposes, he's done. So much for being safe.
I've already decided that if something ever happens like you said, there are a few friends that I will cut ties with. One reason being that they have no useful skills in a TEOTWAWKI scenario. I have no need for overly educated college grads who have no idea how to garden, use a gun, build anything, etc. I have no need for musicians. The other is what you mentioned. I'd have a hard time trusting them in that situation. Also decided to bug out to my folks place far away from large cities.

I would do/give anything to keep my out of harm's way, including my life if necessary. But I would not sit idly by and watch the downfall of the country either. I'd be in full battle rattle when/if the situation arose.
Well, since I presume the internet would be down and therefore no Fix on which to ramble, I figure I'd just go out and join the rabble fighting the oppressors.
"blue65coupe" said:
I would spend my time listening to Jack say how wrong he was.
Something tells me Jack would be too busy serving his most recently acquired new leadership to have time to talk to you.
I would fight.

"First they came for the communists, and I did not speak out - because I was not a communist;

Then they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out - because I was not a socialist;

Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out - because I was not a trade unionist;

Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out - because I was not a Jew;

Then they came for me - and there was no one left to speak out for me."
"Laurie S." said:
I would fight.

"First they came for the communists, and I did not speak out - because I was not a communist;

Then they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out - because I was not a socialist;

Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out - because I was not a trade unionist;

Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out - because I was not a Jew;

Then they came for me - and there was no one left to speak out for me."

Seems I'm not the only one who thought about that quote.
"Horseplay" said:
Something tells me Jack would be too busy serving his most recently acquired new leadership to have time to talk to you.

Well, that was uncalled for, don't you think?

The truth is you don't know what you would do till placed in that situation. When I was going through basic training in the Army, we had a class on code of conduct if you were taken prisoner. I heard the same kind of remarks about how they couldn't make me talk or collaborate. IIRC, I said something along the line with sufficient electrical current to my testicles, I might spill everything I knew. Strangely enough, Jack was the one who ended up with a Top Secret/Crypto security clearance and in a combat zone.
"Jack1966" said:
Well, that was uncalled for, don't you think?

The truth is you don't know what you would do till placed in that situation. When I was going through basic training in the Army, we had a class on code of conduct if you were taken prisoner. I heard the same kind of remarks about how they couldn't make me talk or collaborate. IIRC, I said something along the line with sufficient electrical current to my testicles, I might spill everything I knew. Strangely enough, Jack was the one who ended up with a Top Secret/Crypto security clearance and in a combat zone.
My point was that you seem much more prone to trying to co-exist and seek some level of peace rather than taking up arms. You have to admit you have spent most of your time here protesting war and violence.
"Horseplay" said:
Well, since I presume the internet would be down and therefore no Fix on which to ramble, I figure I'd just go out and join the rabble fighting the oppressors.

Our fearless leader already has the power to shut down just about everything when he so pleases!
" I heard the same kind of remarks about how they couldn't make me talk or collaborate. IIRC, I said something along the line with sufficient electrical current to my testicles, I might spill everything I knew." My point is that it isn't going to come to that point where they "have" me in custody. I would rather die trying and take them with me before allowing them to do this. I never understood why the lines of people just knelt and bowed their heads to be shot in the back of the head? Hell just rush them, there's only a few guards with guns to do this evil task. There would be 20-100 people standing around naked. What the hell just go for it. Some would have to survive. Were they too cowardly to sacrifice for others? Just didn't want to take the first step? Better to die fighting than just be dumped in a damn ditch that was dug for this purpose. I know there were a few accounts of soldiers doing this, rushing them, and some died and some survived.
"Horseplay" said:
My point was that you seem much more prone to trying to co-exist and seek some level of peace rather than taking up arms. You have to admit you have spent most of your time here protesting war and violence.

You never know. Jack just might get pissed off enough if he saw his family/friends tortured and killed. He might turn out to be the Rambo amongst us!