I am really looking forward to 2012, it has to be better than 2011---2011 started with fall through ice in 12 foot of water in Feb.---crash and burn in a mixer in april---father passes away in june--have 6 bypass grafts on my heart in sept. --Monday I was eating a bag of microwave popcorn and like a idiot was eating the partial popped kernels at the end--(old maids) and broke the side out of a tooth --it had a filling in it from years ago and maybe it was weak but guess what--my insurance from work ran out october 10th or 11th and my wife doesn't have dental coverage--if I need a tooth put in probably won't be more than 7 or 8 hundred $---merry effin christmas to me!--Maybe I will get lucky and he can save it---friday is the soonest he can see me---it is not sensitive right except for the raw spot I am wearing on my tongue from rubbing on it. Come on 2012!---Whine over for now.