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Anybody have to live through weather in socal yesterday/today?


Well-Known Member
We left the SD zoo at about 6 last night headed up 405 to I5 to 101, to get back to San Luis Obispo area. We instantly ran into one of the worst storms I've ever driven through. Rain coming at us literally sideways, water pooling on the freeway, wind knocking us around, hydroplaning over puddles, crazies driving around well above safe speeds, etc. I drove no faster than 55 most of the way home, sometimes going as slow as 35 on the freeway just to maintain visibility and traction. I was having trouble seeing with good wipers and a Rain-X'd windshield, so I have no idea how anyone else could see. After a while we decided to get out of the carpool lane to get way from the pooling water that was causing us to hydroplane every minute or so, at which point an SUV passed us in the carpool lane and hit a large puddle, throwing a ton of water at our windshield and completely blinding me for several seconds. My gf broke down crying (4yr old was with us, asleep in the back) and we got off the freeway in Long Beach so we could both calm down for a minute. Except half of Long Beach had no power when we got off, including stop lights, several of which had accidents and emergency crew all over the place. Took us 10min to find a 7-11 with power and a bathroom.

The weather didn't clear significantly until north of Santa Barbara, and we made it home at roughly 1:30, on a trip that took us 5 hours on the way down.

Meanwhile, my mom and her new husband (they got married Saturday) were stuck on the grapevine under several inches of snow, in two different vehicles, waiting for emergency crews to clear traffic accidents, tow a bus out of a snow bank, and lead people down the hill. They got to Harris Ranch around 2:30 and got a room, too tired to make it the extra 2 and a half hours to Stockton.

My brother was waiting at the SD airport when they announced his flight was being delayed due to severe wind conditions, and then lightning hit the airport and the power went out. Fortunately they restored power quickly, and he actually got out on a plane before our mom got off the grapevine.

On the upside, I had already planned on taking today off to recuperate from the weekend, so I'm not missing out on work. But UGH. I'm still exhausting from driving white knuckled on caffeine and adrenaline for so long.


Well-Known Member
Yeah. There was some serious rain here all day long. Comin' sideways with that wind! :hide


wind knocked the flowering plum tree over in our backyard. I left my oil drain pan outside and it's full of water now (it was clean at the time) - I was surprised it did not blow away.


The NorCal dude from Belgium
Hope nobody got hurt.
It seems that we here in Belgium have the californian wheather instead. :yah :yah
Sunny wheather with average temp of 63


Active Member
"B67FSTB" said:
Hope nobody got hurt.
It seems that we here in Belgium have the californian wheather instead. :yah :yah
Sunny wheather with average temp of 63

Give it back Bruno. I'm tired of this constant cold wet weather.


The NorCal dude from Belgium

I think its due to that earthquake in Japan that the climate has been moved around half the world .

So , now you feel how it is like to be living in Belgium this time of year.Abe.


Well-Known Member
"B67FSTB" said:
It seems that we here in Belgium have the californian wheather instead. :yah :yah
Sunny wheather with average temp of 63

Can you send it over her next. It sleeting here and we are getting up 12" of snow tonight. :wtf

We get rain like that every summer and I always get caught in it. Last summer I was driving home on the highway when it started pouring. Flooding roads and wind. Some idiot tries to go flying past me in his rice burner spins out, crosses 2 lanes in front of me and slams into the concrete wall at about 60+ mph. I swerved and avoided him by a couple of feet. :steer


Well-Known Member
"RapidRabbit" said:
Last summer I was driving home on the highway when it started pouring. Flooding roads and wind. Some idiot tries to go flying past me in his rice burner spins out, crosses 2 lanes in front of me and slams into the concrete wall at about 60+ mph. I swerved and avoided him by a couple of feet. :steer

Did you point and laugh as you went by? :char



Well-Known Member
"crustycurmudgeon" said:
Did you point and laugh as you went by? :char

After I pulled over and checked my shorts. :hide
One more crappy tuner off the road. I guess his giant wing couldn't keep his wheels planted. haha :nut


Active Member
"RapidRabbit" said:
Can you send it over her next. It sleeting here and we are getting up 12" of snow tonight. :wtf

We get rain like that every summer and I always get caught in it. Last summer I was driving home on the highway when it started pouring. Flooding roads and wind. Some idiot tries to go flying past me in his rice burner spins out, crosses 2 lanes in front of me and slams into the concrete wall at about 60+ mph. I swerved and avoided him by a couple of feet. :steer

We get storms like that in Texas on the hot summer afternoons for certain.

One summer myself and two buddies were going to summer school. Our parents live ~45 minutes away from the college so we all decided to live at home that summer and take turns driving / commuting.

One afternoon on the way home it was raining so hard I could barely see two feet in front of my hood at ~ 40 mph, rain like Tad was talking about. I was in the left lane and coming up on the back end of a big rig in the fast lane. Some yahoo in a beat up pickup came flying up behind us and changed lanes almost hitting the back of the semi in the next lane and almost taking the nose off my car. There was barely a pickup's distance between me and the rig. I was seriously pissed as I realized how close we had all come to being dead because of the reckless idiot. I told my buddies in the car with me that if we saw the guy up the road in the ditch he better have sever injuries from the wreck because if he didn't I was going to get out and make sure he did. Never did see him in the ditch though and I was honestly shocked we didn't see him in a ditch or slammed against a guard rail, etc.


"KBMWRS" said:
Sure hope it clears in the next few weeks.

oh ditto ditto for as it stands, the fair weather goddess will have to do some serious schmoozing to convince me that the weather will be fine for Knotts. Not gonna pack my mankini until the last minute.

Today has been on and off showers but tomorrow is suppose to be one major fricken storm here in the bay.

All I can say is :wtf


Welcome truth back
Took my motorcycle in for service today so I've been in it big time. Headed for the Sharks game tonight...all on the bike...in the rain.


OK, I guess I'll say it.


That kind of crap weather is a normal occurrence out here :shrug