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Should we go on strike?


Active Member
I woke up this morning and had a pressing thought that came sort of out of left field.

I think those of us who love freedom and the constitution should just "go on strike".

Idea being pick a few days or a week and do nothing. No working, spend as little money as possible, etc.

It is obvious to me that those in Washington are paying no attention to tea parties, petitions, letters and the like so why not hit them where it hurts?

It would be wonderful if buses were running on limited schedules, Walmart was having problems due to most of the check out clerks calling in "sick", etc.

Really the idea just hit me out of no where when I was half awake and the alarm clock was going off this morning.
I'm in for something. Personally, I'd like to see a week where a million people just show up in DC. Just sit down in front of the buildings. Clog the streets and just sit there. We don't need signs, don't need marches, just show up and sit. Don't buy a thing. Take your own water and food. Damnit, I'm pissed again. Thanks
Right on. I'm with Duane on the marches, but I want more than a million, I want millions of people to storm DC, gather around every gov't building, and camp out.
Duane..Do what I do. I just stay pissed, that way I can't get pissed.
Honestly, the amount of work I do in a week is something like 2 actual days worth...so they wouldn't miss me anyway. The rest of my day is spent talking shit and playing pinball on my laptop. And I get paid for this.
I am all for strikes or sit ins in Washington or all of the above. Texas leaving the union is something I have wanted to see for a long time.

Been reading up on this cap and trade crap and the more I read the more pissed I get. NObama and cronies are really trying to :mid us with this one and they aren't even planning on using :ky.

The National Center for Policy Analysis projects cap and trade will result in a cumulative loss of $9.4 trillion between now and 2035, by which time the average American family's share of the national debt will increase by $115,000.

How does the cap and trade bill work? First, by raising energy costs to such a level that people will be forced to cut back because they can't afford any other option. That is a pretty hefty tax for a president who promised that no American making less that a cool quarter million annually would see a tax increase.

Who do you think is going to be most directly affected by a punitive 'use tax' on gasoline or home heating oil? Al Gore? Or the family of four working two jobs?

Who is going to have to choose between steak for dinner or gas for work? The multimillionaires in Congress? Or the guy who commutes to work and back each day?

So much for Obama's concern for the plight of the poor. Or the middle class, for that matter. Under the terms of cap and trade, it will be illegal to sell one's home without first getting an ok from a government inspector charged with certifying your home meets minimum government energy standards.

Forget about selling your house because it will cost too much to fix up. If you can't afford fix it up enough to live in it, you can't sell it as a fixer upper, either.

Housing market is likely to tank more than it already has. If you are thinking of selling anytime soon I'd call a real estate agent and get it on the market pretty quick.

I've not read anything about them coming after classic cars as yet but now might be a good time to start thinking about how to convert your Stang to running on water or natural gas, etc.
Always.....always pay attention when these fuckers say they will only tax people making X. In reality they are coming for it all.

How would one go about making sure the Generals of all the forces would back a full coup?
I got so pissed I wrote that SOB that resides on Pennsylvania Avenue a letter. Not that he gives a shit what I think and probably just got myself on a watch list but here's what I wrote:


Mr. President,

Do you really think that we (the average working American) are stupid?

Stop lying to people and telling them this "cap and trade" crap is going to "create jobs". The Charles River Associates, a Harvard based economics consulting firm, estimates a net loss of jobs from the bill of about 2.5 million EACH YEAR.

It is probably even higher

In addition to killing millions of jobs (and it can't possibly have any other result) it also amounts to a tax on every American citizen that will be paid through higher prices for electricity, oil, gasoline, natural gas, home heating oil, coal, food, and every product that is produced or transported using energy. So much for your claim of being the champion of the 'little guy'.

Your cap and trade bill is estimated to cost the average American family an additional $2,000 per year up front, rising to almost $7000 per year by 2035.

Don't even get me started on the fact that so called 'global warming' is a hoax. Pardon my use of an incorrect term, since the earth has not been warming for the better part of a decade now you guys refer to it as 'climate change'. Settled science my foot, what a joke.

I'll be at a Tea party this week but I am certain I won't see you or any of your cronies from Congress there because you don't care what "we the people" think. One would think you guys would realize that all those attending vote and the mid terms are coming up next year and they cannot get here soon enough for me.
Mark's right. You honestly think those elected homeland terrorist in DC will pay for thoise taxes? Hell no. They'll cook it up to where they're immune to it. Not to mention gov't health care.
Here's how I see it, the perfect storm to a welfare state. The middle class will be so broke, that a large number of citizens will be forced to receive gov't help, evening out the playing field for the lower class. Then there will be only 2 classes, lower and executive.
Acorn and the SEIU are already doing this. It's how Acorn was formed. They're nothing more than Obama's "brownshirts". Look out, the brute squad is coming to a bank/business near you.
Congrats Minnesota, here's your new senator. Great job Acorn.

Well, here is another good one. A friend of mine is sort of a little old grandma type and received a "house hold survey" from the census people. Note this is not the actual census just a "survey". It asks questions that are truly none of their fucking business.

My friend basically read over the first one they sent out and then tossed it in the trash. She said no way she was answering those questions.

They sent a second one and she filled out only the number of people in the home and left the rest blank.

Obama's thugs at the census bureau then started calling and hounding her. No doubt they were Jack boot thugs from Acorn who were "helping" the census people.

My friend finally gave in and answered their questions over the phone to get them off her back and for fear of the penalties they kept threatening her with. Just like some in Washington to strong arm little old grand mothers.

I hope the fuckers send me a survey.

I found the following from this website:


Are You Required by law To fill out Census survey?
Posted May 26th, 2008 by yuengling

I was sent a "american community survey" from the u.s. census. It says my response is required by law but what's their recourse?
Its asking really specific questions with regards to who's living at my house their names and incomes. My main fear is that I'll foul up one number on the income statement or earned interest and then I'll get audited for tax evasion, Can I just ignore this?

Article I, Section 2 of the
On May 27th, 2008 libertarian4321 says:

Article I, Section 2 of the US Constitution gives Congress the right to ENUMERATE the number of citizens in order to apportion members of congress: "The actual Enumeration shall be made within three years after the first meeting of the Congress of the United States, and within every subsequent term of ten years, in such manner as they shall by law direct."

Enumerate means "to count, or determine the number of". Congress can COUNT the number of citizens- but it can't demand to know what race we are, how much we earn, how many big screen TVs we own, or how many times we masturbate each day.

So when I get the census forms, I fill out the first question (the one asking how many people live at my home), then paste a copy of Article 1, Section 2 of the Constitution right below that, along with a statement that I have fulfilled my duty as a citizen by helping them enumerate, and I'm not required to answer any more questions.

Never heard a peep from the Census bureau for doing this.
Damn good idea...I like that. I'll be sure to do that next census.
I've read many of the questions and it's a direct violation of privacy.
Well this morning the news was talking about how California was going pretty much broke.

Then a little bit later our furher was on T.V. saying that California had "gone green" with high taxes and there economy was "keeping pace with the rest of the nation and we should look to them as an example?" :wtf

Forget the fact that one time I literally advised a client to close several branches in places like Michigan that are tax and spend havens. It works so good on a regional scale that we should try it on a national scale?

So, I was running an errand knowing the local parade was over. I happen to see the float for the local Democratic party going the other direction heading home from the parade.

I pulled a fast u-turn, pulled up beside them and honked the horn just to make sure they were all looking my way. Then with the window rolled down I shot them all the bird and told them they were fucking commies. :bird

How dare those fuckers take part in something to celebrate our freedoms while their boy in Washington is work as fast as he can to take our freedom away.
On the whole Cali thing, are they going to get bailed out? Seriously, use the nation's taxpayer money to bail out a failed state. WTF happened to states rights, the 10th amendment, state sovereignty????? Why should the rest of the country pay for that? And it won't be the last one either. New Jersey, New York, Michigan are next in line...mark my words.

Here's a site to track the bailout cash. http://bailout.propublica.org/

Good call on the one finger salute to those pinko commie bastards.
yeah, I hope they got the message loud and clear.

But seriously, some years ago I was working on a tax client at my old firm. They were a multi-state retail type of deal, publically traded and so forth. They came to us complaining about the state taxes in Michigan. We looked at it, came up with some clever scheme using leased employees and some other tricks. But then we took a step back and realized those locations had never turned a profit. So our advice was you can go through the administrative head ache of doing this idea or option B is simply close those locations down and get out of that state.

They chose option B, people lost jobs, etc. But I didn't personally feel bad about it. The employees live there and voted in the tax and spend types so if they found themselves out of a job who do they really have to blame for it?

Certain this cap and trade stuff will have the same effect on a national scale. If I can manufacture widgets anywhere would I really continue to operate here at high cost and administrative burden or move to Mexico or even China?
Guess I kinda feel like Duane right about now. I'm so pissed reading all this shit I can hardly think straight. I think I'm crashing at the tiki bar tonight. Fuck all this crazy Obama shit. I need a drink!