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Chick Flicks

Johnny M

Active Member
I'm having an issue with Chick Flicks (Rom Coms) and my gf lately.

Basically, she loves them and thinks they're "lovely" and I hate them and would rather pour acid into my eyes than watch one.

This is starting to cause some minor "disagreements" between us as she feels there should be "give and take" in our relationship. She has watched Transformers, The A-team, The Expendables, etc with me. So I took her point on board and agreed to be in the room while she watched something called The Notebook however surfing the Mustang forums while watching the movie apparently doesn't count as watching it.

Should I scarifice a man token and actually watch some of this gooey dripple or stand my ground and stick to Man Movies only?

Please note that this thread does not apply to the likes of Brokeback Mountain. There's nothing in the world that would make me
watch that movie.
If you GF is like most women, you'll have plenty more chances to watch 'The Notebook".

I'd guess my wife has watched it 50 times. If it's on tonight, she'll watch it again.
Two questions I ask myself before getting suckered into a chick flick:
1. Will the woman/women in the movie get nekkid?
2. If I watch this movie with her, will I get laid afterwards?

If I have to sit through the torture of a chick flick, I better get to see some boobs.

Side story about chick flicks. Back in college, a friend of mine wanted to have a movie night with everyone. He invited his girlfriend at the time, who also brought her 3 roommates. The movie he picked out? The Deep End of The Ocean. What he didn't realize is that ALL 4 chicks were having that "special week". It was a sobfest.
"Sluggo" said:
If you GF is like most women, you'll have plenty more chances to watch 'The Notebook".

I'd guess my wife has watched it 50 times. If it's on tonight, she'll watch it again.

I'm one of the odd ones. I would much rather watch something like WWE or UFC. Guys with no shirt on kicking the crap out of each other is much better entertainment than whiney crying chic flicks. :vic
Kat, you could make a fortune (off of guys) if you went around the Country doing seminars on how to How to make your GF/Wife more man friendly!
"Johnny M" said:
I'm having an issue with Chick Flicks (Rom Coms) and my gf lately.

Basically, she loves them and thinks they're "lovely" and I hate them and would rather pour acid into my eyes than watch one.

This is starting to cause some minor "disagreements" between us as she feels there should be "give and take" in our relationship. She has watched Transformers, The A-team, The Expendables, etc with me. So I took her point on board and agreed to be in the room while she watched something called The Notebook however surfing the Mustang forums while watching the movie apparently doesn't count as watching it.

Should I scarifice a man token and actually watch some of this gooey dripple or stand my ground and stick to Man Movies only?

Please note that this thread does not apply to the likes of Brokeback Mountain. There's nothing in the world that would make me
watch that movie.

I think you should sacrifice a "man token" and watch a chick flick every once in awhile. You might get laid afterward, and you'll certainly build up points that you can use in future discussions/(arguments) about things you do for/with her, etc, when you want something.

As a rule, chick flicks suck and I can't remember the last one I watched. But, Brokeback Mountain was a good movie.

"DeadStang" said:
I think you should sacrifice a "man token" and watch a chick flick every once in awhile. You might get laid afterward, and you'll certainly build up points that you can use in future discussions/(arguments) about things you do for/with her, etc, when you want something.

As a rule, chick flicks suck and I can't remember the last one I watched. But, Brokeback Mountain was a good movie.


You're obviously not married. When in the world has a man EVER been able to pull something out from the past to use as "points"?
"blue65coupe" said:
You're obviously not married. When in the world has a man EVER been able to pull something out from the past to use as "points"?

My husband does and he will continue to do so for many years to come. Everytime he wants something... he brings up how he bought me Gertrude. :lol
"blue65coupe" said:
You're obviously not married. When in the world has a man EVER been able to pull something out from the past to use as "points"?

Going on 20 years. I get past BS dredged up that's been done for me all the time! When I complain about always taking my truck, I get reminded of the last trip to California in his truck to pick up my last dead Mustangs, blah, blah, blah...
"blue65coupe" said:
You're obviously not married. When in the world has a man EVER been able to pull something out from the past to use as "points"?

I use it all the time...maybe this systems stops when those wedding bells ring.
"blue65coupe" said:
OK ladies, does it work? Do you give in because of his past points? If so, you're a rare breed.

I don't like to think of it as giving in. I like to think my marriage is a 50/50 thing. If there's something I want, then I think it's only fair he get something in return.
"Kats66Pny" said:
I don't like to think of it as giving in. I like to think my marriage is a 50/50 thing. If there's something I want, then I think it's only fair he get something in return.

looks like it is possible.....
Should I scarifice a man token and actually watch some of this gooey dripple or stand my ground and stick to Man Movies only?

If "she wants" you to watch her chick flick movies.... then I suggest that you either do... or find a GF that doesn't care if you watch them or not. If you're serious about this particular girl and would like to see her stick around, think of it as "relationship building". You probably won't enjoy the movie, but that's not the point. The point is that you've shown her that you care enough about her to set aside 2 hours of your time to do what she wants. Acts like these go a long way in building a strong relationship. This doesn't mean that you can give her the green light to schedule a weekend marathon full of her movies, but as previously stated, sound relationships are built upon give and take.... it's VERY rare that you'll find that perfect someone who wants to do exactly everything that you want to do.... until that time/girl comes along (if ever) you'll have to find a balance of give and take that suits both of you.

Try this.... at the next opportunity, YOU, not her, initiate the watching of a chick flick movie. When she looks at you like you're crazy, tell her that you want to watch it because you know she likes these kind of movies and even though you're not particularly interested in the movie, you are interested in spending time with her doing things that she likes to do.

What this comes down to really is "compatability". The GF/dating process should be nothing more than a compatability test. "Am I comfortable giving her with what she's giving me in return and is she also happy?" If you're answering "no" to this question, then the relationship is usually doomed to eventually fail.

Good luck Johhny. I know you're enjoying your bachelorhood, but at the same time have thoughts of settling down and starting a family. It's a tough transition to make and usually isn't easy for anyone.
I think Dave has been abducted by aliens and what has been placed in his human carcass is nothing short of unbelievable!
"silverblueBP" said:
I think Dave has been abducted by aliens and what has been placed in his human carcass is nothing short of unbelievable!

I think he left his computer logged on and the wife got a hold of it...
"Fast68back" said:
I think he left his computer logged on and the wife got a hold of it...

Dave was catching up on the latest chick flicks and soap operas himself when his wife made the above reply.
"daveSanborn" said:
If "she wants" you to watch her chick flick movies.... then I suggest that you either do... or find a GF that doesn't care if you watch them or not. If you're serious about this particular girl and would like to see her stick around, think of it as "relationship building". You probably won't enjoy the movie, but that's not the point. The point is that you've shown her that you care enough about her to set aside 2 hours of your time to do what she wants. Acts like these go a long way in building a strong relationship. This doesn't mean that you can give her the green light to schedule a weekend marathon full of her movies, but as previously stated, sound relationships are built upon give and take.... it's VERY rare that you'll find that perfect someone who wants to do exactly everything that you want to do.... until that time/girl comes along (if ever) you'll have to find a balance of give and take that suits both of you.

Try this.... at the next opportunity, YOU, not her, initiate the watching of a chick flick movie. When she looks at you like you're crazy, tell her that you want to watch it because you know she likes these kind of movies and even though you're not particularly interested in the movie, you are interested in spending time with her doing things that she likes to do.

What this comes down to really is "compatability". The GF/dating process should be nothing more than a compatability test. "Am I comfortable giving her with what she's giving me in return and is she also happy?" If you're answering "no" to this question, then the relationship is usually doomed to eventually fail.

Good luck Johhny. I know you're enjoying your bachelorhood, but at the same time have thoughts of settling down and starting a family. It's a tough transition to make and usually isn't easy for anyone.

Dave, no BS, this is an insightful comment.