I'm having an issue with Chick Flicks (Rom Coms) and my gf lately.
Basically, she loves them and thinks they're "lovely" and I hate them and would rather pour acid into my eyes than watch one.
This is starting to cause some minor "disagreements" between us as she feels there should be "give and take" in our relationship. She has watched Transformers, The A-team, The Expendables, etc with me. So I took her point on board and agreed to be in the room while she watched something called The Notebook however surfing the Mustang forums while watching the movie apparently doesn't count as watching it.
Should I scarifice a man token and actually watch some of this gooey dripple or stand my ground and stick to Man Movies only?
Please note that this thread does not apply to the likes of Brokeback Mountain. There's nothing in the world that would make me
watch that movie.
I'm having an issue with Chick Flicks (Rom Coms) and my gf lately.
Basically, she loves them and thinks they're "lovely" and I hate them and would rather pour acid into my eyes than watch one.
This is starting to cause some minor "disagreements" between us as she feels there should be "give and take" in our relationship. She has watched Transformers, The A-team, The Expendables, etc with me. So I took her point on board and agreed to be in the room while she watched something called The Notebook however surfing the Mustang forums while watching the movie apparently doesn't count as watching it.
Should I scarifice a man token and actually watch some of this gooey dripple or stand my ground and stick to Man Movies only?
Please note that this thread does not apply to the likes of Brokeback Mountain. There's nothing in the world that would make me
watch that movie.