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Dave's Grabber Orange Gang story reminds me...


Well-Known Member
... of a story from my youth. A LONG time ago, I was driving my first Mustang to where my (now) X worked because she needed gas in her car. I decided to fill it up for her while she was at work. She worked in a small town about 15 miles from where we lived. It was a small factory on the edge of the town. She was working evening shift and I worked nights at Caterpillar. I ripped thru the neighborhood in low gear with the exhaust cackling (not really smart but I loved the sound). It wasn't real late in the evening but starting to get dark. As I drove my wifes car to the gas station I had to go past where I had driven in the Mustang, I noticed a lady standing in her yard like something was wrong but didn't think much of it. On the way back from filling the tank in my wifes car there was a police car sitting there and the lady was talking to the cops with hands waving and pointing. I figured she was reporting me. Now I knew they were waiting for me. I would have to go past the house again in the Mustang but across the road was more small streets and I figured I get get across the street quickly and zig zag thru the streets to a rural road I knew of outside of town. Knowing the cop was there and his car was facing the wrong way, I had time to map out in my mind the path I would take. I sneaked up as quiet as possible and as soon as they saw me I punched it, the lights came on and I was across the road and into the neighborhood. He had to turn around and that gave me plenty of time to start zig zagging so he couldn't see where I went. When I got to the rural road I high tailed it home. Pretty stupid move on my part as all I may have got was a warning for loud exhaust but if they caught me it would have been a lot worse! I got lucky that time.
Mine is not near as good as these but here was an idiot one. I was "test driving" the car on one of the backroads near the house. It has long stretches with very little traffic but there are houses. Typical rural road. Well, I make a few passes down one of the stretches hitting up to 90 mph. No big deal as it's early afternoon, everybody is working, traffic is non-existent, I can see for a country mile, yada, yada, yada. For some reason this day there seems to be quite a few people checking their mail seemingly hanging out together. WTH? I get all kinds of looks. Once I get close to a "more populated" section of road I slow it down to 45 and just continue on my way. After a couple miles of 45 mph sane driving I meet ........................................a school bus. Yeah, I'm an idiot.
In HS I was driving to school on a two lane road. I got stuck behind some old guy poking along. I kept looking to see if I could pass and finally got my chance. AS soon as the car coming in the opposite direction passed me I gunned it and jumped out into the other lane. About the time I got into the other lane I looked in the mirror and realized the car that passed me going the other direction was a cop car with out a light bar on the roof......... I watched him slow and start to turn around as I was rounding the bend in the road. A quick series of rights and lefts got me off the road pretty quick and I found a back way to school. Looking back it was stupid, more panic than anything else.
This reminds me of a couple stories of my own.

When I was 19 and living up in AK I was trying to get a loan for a car. This was my first attempt at getting credit but it appears that I had bad debt going back to when I was about 12 years old. WTF! Well I am a Jr. and my dad's bad debt showed up on my credit report. I got really pissed and started on my 45 Minute Drive from Anchorage to Wasilla. Half way back I passed a cop while on the highway. I saw him flip on his lights and turn into the center lane. He had to go a few hundred yards before he got to a point where he would cross the median.

I evaluated my options, pull over and wait (going about 90 in a 55), ignore it and see if he actually comes to get me or turn off and take the old hwy for a while. I chose the last one. I pulled off the main hwy and went around a few bends until I saw a large parking lot. It was a school. I followed it around the back side and hid in a loading dock area. I sat there for a good 15 minutes watching my heart beat through my chest. When I finally had enough courage to leave I went back to the hwy and went about my business.

Well I get to the next overpass and guess who was waiting for me? The cop must not have got my license number because he followed me for about 5 miles. I followed every law and drove a couple mph under the speed limit the rest of the day. I got damn luck. I should have been thrown in the slammer.

One last story about a test drive. It was 1994 and I was driving a 1992 Mustang GT. My girlfriend (wife now) was in the passenger seat and the salesman in the back seat. I drove like a normal person for as long as I could . I was waiting to merge onto a road from a subdivision and when traffic cleared I decided to let it loose for a minute. I gunned the GT and the ass end slid around the corner. I thought that I would just stay into it and let it settle itself out. Well it didn't. It kicked back and forth a few times before going straight. The salesman did not have his seat belt on and was thrown from side to side aobut 4 times. He was not impressed and neither was my gf. I got a mouthful from both and drove back to the dealer with my tail between my legs. He never asked me if I wanted to talk with the finance guy. :lol My wife still gives me shit about it to this day.
Reminds me of a story of before I bought my 66.

I was in the process of looking for a mustang, and ran across a 69 sportsroof. It was about 2 hour drive from where I lived, but the guy decided to meet me 1/2 way. I look over the car and it was it good shape, now it was time for a test drive. He want to drive it first to show me the performance of the car. We're on this side street, which paralleled the interstate. He floors it, leaving a nice set of marks on the road, and gets rubber between gears. He slow up to turn around, and no sooner than when he started to turn around we get lit up like a christmas tree. He gets pulled out and taken back to the squad car, and another officer comes up to me and ask me for my name, licence and what was going on. I tell him. The officer asked me if I knew that we just did some exhibition driving in front of the local office for the California Highway Patrol. DOH!! The owner of the car comes back after awhile...no ticket. I guess the cops were in a good mood that day!!! I know that they got a good laugh out of the idiot that peels out in front of the CHP office!!! :lol :lol
One last story about a test drive.

Similar story....

Back in '04 we bought my Dodge pickup. It's got that damn gas guzzling Hemi motor in it. Trading in my old, tired F150, the power of the Hemi powered Dodge took me by surprise when I initially pulled out of the car dealers lot onto the divided highway. There was a break in traffic and I nailed it while making a right turn. Looking back.... this was a bad idea. The rear tires lit up and the back end of the truck swung around so quick I almost plowed the accelerating truck back into the front row of cars parked in front of the dealer's lot.

The salesman did not appreciate any of this, but we bought the truck so I guess it all worked out.
Test drives are fun.....

As the '05 Mustangs were hitting the lots in '04, my wife and I went out to test and possibly purchase. Ended up at Bell Ford in Phoenix. We could test drive a V6 but not the GT. Real stupid but we did the V6 and still wanted to drive a GT before we decided. They said no unless I bought it. Fine. We will think it over.

They had a '04 Stage 3 Rousch Mustang with just a few miles on it siting on the outside show room. I looked it over and jokinly asked the sales man for a test drive. He said let me get the keys.......... :sur A $54,000 price tag.

He got it down the ramp and he took the back seat with the wife and I in the front. As we left the dealership, the salesman recommended I don't get on it to much to close to the dealer.

We took his recommended path to the light, and then 4 right turns for a total 4 mile run.

I turned the corner and nailed it hard, hit second and third and was well into triple digits. Next corner, same thing and down to I-10. I believe I hit about 145 on the entrance ramp and the exit ramp I was heading for was right there. Did a good brake check and a smoking right to the dealers lot. I think the car spent more time sideways than straight.

The wife was just having a good ride but the salesman in the rear seat never could get the seatbelt latched. He was holding the shoulder strap with both hands when I stopped in the dealers lot. The look was priceless. All he said when he got out was "that car is fast........"

They never came up with a good trade value so we kept our '01 F150 Lariat 4X4.

It was a foolish drive but was fun.
I had a black 2000 Durrango with hot ignition, high flow exhaust and intake. It was a decent ride and pretty fast for a 4x4. Anyway I hooked up with a 3000 GT on I-8 between El Centro and Yuma and well we started to race. Next thing I know we are both getting lit up and pulled over by the CHP. We didn't quite make it to Yuma, AZ. Missed it by 5 miles. They put the other driver in the back of the car and I thought I was done for. Then they came to my car, got ID and saw my badge. The senior officer asked me to help him train his trainee. I agreed and refused to sign the ticket as asked. I got to the part about going to jail and looked at the training officer who gave me the wink and I signed the ticket.

Bottom line, I was clocked at over 120, the other guy had been caught by the same cop the day before racing, they impounded his car and I got a ticket for 10 mph over and went to traffic school online.

Since we're all sharing stupidity....

A few years ago a buddy and I were driving home from a cruise-in. I was in a 427 cobra replica and he was in a 71 mach 1. We were approaching a T intersection and had to stop at a stop sign. There were a bunch of guys ahead of us in a car that pulled over at the stop so they could check out our cars, and of course try to goad us into "getting on it".
Try to picture this. The highway we were about to enter had a sweeping right curve just opposite from where we were entering so the roadway was banked downward away from us. My buddy pulls out onto the highway and lets the 351C rip through the first two gears. All the dipshits in the car watching were going crazy egging him on. The even bigger dipshit, (me), not to be outdone dumps the clutch and cuts to the right onto the highway. As soon as I did it I knew it was a mistake.

The lightweight cobra with a way-too-powerful 427 coupled with a road surface that sloped away from me made the ass end come around right now. As I was struggling to correct it I looked up and saw nothing but the grille of a jacked up 4X4 truck what seemed like a couple of feet away in HIS lane which I was was in. I saw smoke coming from all four of his tires as he stood on the brakes. Somehow, miraculously he missed me and went off the road into a field. I got my car straightened out and looked back in my rearview mirror and saw him spin back onto the road coming after me.

I fell in behind my buddy who had seen the whole thing and told me afterward that he thought I was dead. We putted up the road doing 5mph under the speed limit feeling really stupid and very happy to be alive. The truck got right on my rear bumper and stayed there, I could see the driver (some really big redneck looking dude) glaring at me and running his mouth. I said to myself that I didn't blame him a bit for being pissed. I would have been too. I also said to myself that I wouldn't blame him one bit for dragging me out of the car and kicking my ass but if he was gonna kick my ass it would be in my front yard 'cause I wasn't stopping until I got home.

The truck finally turned off so I didn't get my ass kicking but I thought if he did follow me all the way home, Whether he hit me or not I was gonna shake his hand and tell him that was some of the best defensive driving I had ever seen.
I'm in my 84GT, open headers and was leaving the Jiffy Mart in Bunnell. As I pull out onto US1 (in town), I hammer it. It's one loud mother..........rip up through 3 gears and head out to the ball field.

Problem was that as I'm ripping up through the gears, I notice the city cop car parked at the same Jiffy Mart I just left. My buddy tells me the cop is running out of the building to his car :rp That's when I backed out of it and drove very nice on out to the games.

The interesting part was that a redheaded stepchild was right behind me as all this was going on. Bad for him and lucky for me, the cop thought HE was the one making the noise and pulled him over instead of me :ep.

I never saw that car again, but sure would like to know how that one turned out.
LMAO Mark. I've got one similar but not in the mustang. I was leaving work one night back in high school. I'd give a buddy a ride and it just so happened another guy was leaving about the same time. We're sitting at a stoplight with both cars side by side. Light turns green, we ease into the throttles, both looking and waiting for the first to gun it. All of a sudden we hear a horn behind the other guy blaring and can hear yelling. WTH? I look back and notice someone all over his ass and I look at him and we just nod. 45 mph zone and we slow down to about 15 mph. Well, the yelling and horn blowing continues. We're on a 4 lane road with no median and no turn lane. All of a sudden the car behind my buddy whips out into the oncoming lane to pass. We freakin' nail it. She (yes it was a girl who was not having a good night) is unable to pass, pulls back in behind him and starts zig zagging behind the two of us with the horn blowing, bright lights flashing, etc. Soooooooooooooooooooo, we slow back down to about 15. Again she pulls into the oncoming lane to pass him and we nail it. She falls back in behind and the same thing continues. Third time is a charm. She pulls into the oncoming lane, we nail it, get up to about 65 and I see a car coming in the other direction. This ain't gonna be good so I slow down and the other two continue down the road. The car goes past us, spins around in the road, hits the lights and goes by me like a bat out of hell. Ohhhhhh shit. Me and my buddy look at each other and just know we're gonna have to go bail our friend out of jail. About a mile down the road we see the flash of blue lights with a car pulled over. We get there and he has the girl who was trying to pass us in the wrong lane pulled. A sigh of relief comes as our buddy is not getting arrested but what made us almost piss ourselves laughing was the cop was halfway in the girl's window trying to pull her out of the car. Yes it could've been bad. Yes it was stupid. But yes, it was (and still is) funny as hell wondering how that conversation went. That was the last time I ever did that.
Here's how I know I'm getting old:

Several months ago, I was going home at night, and had to turn left onto our street from the main road near our house. The main road is a 2 lane, but right where I turn in is especially wide, so I usually hug the yellow lines while I wait for traffic to pass so that anyone who wants to can go on around me. Well this particular night, some yardbird comes right up on my bumper, and starts BLARING his horn. I have my turn signal on so I have no clue what this jerkoff's problem was, but I just throw my arms up in a "oh well" sorta way. He had PLENTY of room to go around on the right...hell he's hugging the yellows as hard as I am. He honks a few more times, then finally pulls out on my right and goes around me.

Traffic just cleared so I'd slipped down into first to take my turn and then think to myself "Oh fuck that" and instead take off straight chasing him. (No other traffic in the lane he was in) I was speeding, but not ridiculously so. Basically, I was pushing Georgia's 10MPH grace law.

The road is one mile to the next light, and as we got up on the light I saw him there and started to bare down on him and then a light went off and I said "WTF am I going to do? Is this one really worth risking getting shot over?" As soon as I had that thought I turned into a church parking lot right by where we were, turn around, and go home.

Wasn't too long ago, it wouldn't have ended so easily.

Funny but true story.

Back in high school my buddy's mom had some family that lived down near Anahuac, Texas. We went down to visit some of his family and there is lots of back country down there so we took some .22's and a 12 gauge to do some shooting, etc.

As we started to head back home we were on a country road doing probably about 80 mph, open beers in the car, guns in the "trunk" (it was a hatch back Plymouth Horizon) and Van Halen cranking on the radio.

A local cop came up behind us and we thought for sure we are in deep shit. Minors with beer, guns in the car, excessive speed...we thought for certain we were going to jail.

The cop waved as he passed us and kept on going. :sur
Funny but true story.

Border towns, guns, beer and bad judgement....

Back in 2000 I was still in the Marines down in Yuma AZ and had duty one weekend. We got a call from the local Sherriff that 2 of our Marines were being detained at the Yuma Border Patrol office. As it turns out these 2 chuckleheads had taken up a position on the U.S. side of the Colorado River with high powered rifles and a cooler of beer and were shooting over the heads of swimming illegals attempting to cross the river. Everyone associated with this fiasco had moments of "temporary loss of composure". The deputy laughed, a few of the BP agents laughed, we laughed. It was a serious matter, but sometimes people just do some pretty stupid stuff and you just have to laugh at the situation.
The truck finally turned off so I didn't get my ass kicking but I thought if he did follow me all the way home, Whether he hit me or not I was gonna shake his hand and tell him that was some of the best defensive driving I had ever seen.
That is the honorable thing to do!

I have been guilty of Road Rage! Not all that long ago, I was driving at 55/60ish in a 55 zone. Some ass hole in a utility van pulls out right in front of me. I nail the brakes to avoid rear-ending his van, make sure the opposite lane is clear, still traveling a bit faster than he is, I do an Indy pass cutting this ass hole off as I come back in my lane. He tries to catch up to me so I let him, then slam the brake hard! He has to swerve onto the shoulder and I'm sure pissed his pants. He comes after me again, so I did the same thing. He's obviously very stupid! We finally get into a town and the two lane widens to 4 and he flys by me scraping my mirror. I was real pissed now. So I pass him back stop in from of him and he gets out, BIG guy! He reaches in my car for me and I realizing I would get my butt kicked just grabbed his arm and began to drive, I was gonna drag his ass down the road rather than get my teeth knocked out. I was yelling at him for being a dick and pulling in front of me and I had no idea why his panties were in a knot but he got loose and I kept driving. My heart was pumping big time as I thought he would come after me again but he must have thought better of it! I need to chill out some times! I should have got out and let him hit me and take his ass to court but I was guilty of a few broken laws myself. It just kills me when idiots do something stupid and then have the nerve to get mad at the person they did it too.
"tarafied1" said:
I need to chill out some times! I should have got out and let him hit me and take his ass to court but I was guilty of a few broken laws myself. It just kills me when idiots do something stupid and then have the nerve to get mad at the person they did it too.

I agree that you need to chill out, but not the next bit.
The older i get the more relaxed i am becoming about other peoples views and habits, especially driving. I no longer have any interest in how badly they drive as long as they stay away from me, so i now drive more defensively and am prepared for these idiots, but when they cut me off or drive badly, i let them go.
Better that they are in front and annoying someone else.
Whether its the birth of my first granddaughter 5 months ago or maturity finally catching up to me at 49 i dont know, but i do know i dont want to die on the road or by some fools hand.
I average 90,000 km's a year on the road so i see a lot of bad driving, but now i just crank up some Jimmy Buffet or Cold Chisel through the stereo and ignore them all
I have put my asbestos suit on early today so i am ready for a flaming for my response.