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I call bs on this one - boys' fun run cancelled


Active Member
My boys were looking forward to running in a fun run at school this year.

Got an e-mail this morning that the run was cancelled "due to logistical" concerns. WTF? I know several kids that are going to be really upset, my boys and a few of their friends, etc.

I am friends with the President of the PTO and she did some checking on back channels and found out what the deal is. Apparently, one parent was ticked because their child didn't run fast enough to qualify for the run. They researched the UIL rule book and found a part about non-competiveness at this age level (3rd and 4th grade) and raised a huge stink on the district level. That is why this HUGE annual event was cancelled. One parent not wanting to teach their child that not everyone can win everything.

My solution was how about you get the Xbox controller and bag of chips out of your fat kid's hands and take them to the track to train then maybe next year they will qualify.

It is ridiculous but maybe someone needs to work at changing that rule on non competitiveness....
I already wrote the head of the district and told him to expect a lot of backlash on this one.

Apparently, it was district wide and not just the schools that feed into the high school the boys will attend one day. In other words, not only did it cancel the boys' race but other races across the district.

All because of one a-hole parent got mad because their fat kid couldn't run fast enough to qualify....

I am worried about some of these kids being raised on the everybody wins mentality when they get out into the real world that is competitive....
"RustyRed" said:
I am worried about some of these kids being raised on the everybody wins mentality when they get out into the real world that is competitive....

Watch it, you're showing your age. Competitiveness is sooo yesterday.
"blue65coupe" said:
Watch it, you're showing your age. Competitiveness is sooo yesterday.

Guess putting in the work if you want to Excel is old hat huh?

The end result of such thinking can be found in the "occupy" groups. :roll
"tarafied1" said:
I laughed so hard I spit beer all over my food stamps!


Seriously though....I was just thinking maybe if a kid tries and fails at something that's not such a bad thing. Either they a) work harder and learn work ethic or b) figure out that isn't "their thing" and find something else they are good at.

Seems like the "everybody plays" idea could keep a kid wasting a lot of time at something they will never be good at due to lack of natural ability when their time could be better spent looking for something they are good at.
You capitalist pig! You will hurt thier self - esteem! You must also hate children and want all of them to starve!
"apollard" said:
You must also hate children and want all of them to starve!

Yeah, according to the liberals I really get pleasure from seeing black children starve in particular.
Imagine if they applied that stupid logic to open track days. Just because I can't seem to pass a PT, they cancel ALL track days.
I am completely against the policy of noncompetitiveness; however, don't necessarily assume that the child who couldn't meet the time requirement is a video couch potato. Due to childhood illness, I never could run fast or jump well, but I competed in every annual meet that my elementary and junior high schools held. I found that that only thing I could do was the shot put because I didn't have to run or jump. Couldn't throw the thing to save my life, but I still competed.
I wouldn't even care if they just let everyone compete to be honest.

My boys already know they are the third and fourth fastest kids in the 4th grade at their school over a mile or more distance. At a two mile distance they are probably the two fastest kids in their grade. My boys would loose every time in a sprint, they are not sprinters at all. But only two kids in their grade can beat them in the mile however Jeff would be nipping at their heels the whole way. My boys know that Jeff is faster than Ben but they also know Ben is a better at swinging a bat in baseball.

None of this is a surprise, the kids already know who's better at this or that. My kids already know they have friends that are good at basketball while my kids suck at basketball so they don't try to play it except for fun on the driveway. But one kid throws a hissy when they don't qualify probably already knowing running wasn't their thing so we cancel the whole deal? :wtf

If the other kids want to run, fine...just don't be surprised if you come in towards the back of the pack if you aren't as fast or haven't put in the training time, etc.

To cancel the race entirely due to one person complaining is beyond stupid.
competition is what drives some to do better and push themselves. It isn't wrong to be bad or to suck at sports or art or whatever. I tried out and usually made the teams but was never good enough to start. I know I am bad at sports, I can live with it. I did try to get better. I just don't have that kind of talent. Oh well.
Competition can make you better.

Since the boys started playing up an age group in select baseball they have improved dramatically in just a couple of months.

There is a kid that won the fun run last fall and this past spring. Jeff got to run his qualifier today even though the race is cancelled (??) but he had the second best time in the fourth grade at his school. The only kid who did better than him was the kid that has won the last two fun runs.

Funny really, they only got interested in running when they decided it would help them run the bases faster in baseball. They still can't sprint for crap but they have a lot of endurance.

Works out in the long run, if they can't make the cut for baseball in high school they'll make the cross country team at this rate if they stick with it, LOL!

If they can make the cut on both even better. Cross Country is in the fall and baseball tryouts aren't till January with first practices in February.

They already know the high school baseball coach from a camp last summer and they see him at the cages all the time when they go over there to practice even when they don't "have to"

They have some serious drive. I wish they would take a day off sometimes because they wear me out trying to keep up with them. I played a some little league but I was never that into it and hadn't even watched a game in years when they suddenly fell in love with baseball and decided it was "their thing".
Since the other kid isn't good enough to make the cut he's entitled to have all of the races cancelled. Sound familiar?

I tried to make the hs football team but my grades were too high :peter
I just signed the boys up for a 3k run on November 5th after I verified last night they are not playing in any baseball tournaments that weekend.

They are also signed up for a race on Thanksgiving morning, a race in January and will easily make their miles in the running club to qualify to run the last 1.2 miles of the local marathon in early March.

Screw the school board. They are not going to drag my kids down because of one kid that couldn't cut it and needs to find something else to do.
I can make any girl's race viable simply by showing up; all the little girls will be running away as fast as they can!
In a semi-related story... Chaz Bono now complaining that those mean "Dancing With The Stars" judges bullied & belittled him/her/it... :puk

Yo, Chazz - "Grow a pair!" :nut