"Flysure1" said:More than likely wouldn't have killed you--here is some info on cottonmouths-The "Water Moccasin" is a generic name that Southerners give to any of a variety of snakes. One that seems to get the most attention is the Cottonmouth. It is a pit viper and poisonous. As previously answered it can be deadly but less than 1 percent of the time in a person weighing in at over 50 lbs. You should seek immediate medical help, do not cut, massage, suck or irritate the bite site though. Wash with mild soap and water and keep the bite area below the heart level if at all possible."70 StangMan" said:I third that. Could've lost my life to a 6' Moccasin sunnin' on the side of a river bank back in '82. ...Bastard's. :rant"RustyRed" said:"msell66" said:You obviously have never been chased by a Moccasin! I think they sit around in their burrows and take bets on who's gonna bite who.
I second that. Most snakes don't bother me but I hate the freaking Water Moccasins...those devils will come looking for you. I kill them on sight!
Fortunately "Water Moccasin" also refers to any number of other non-poisonous snakes as well. The Blotched Water snake lives in the same areas and looks almost identical from above. You can tell a difference by observing the scale pattern near the tail but who wants to get that close. The cottonmouth will generally swim on top of the water and it will have its head above water at an angle. On land it will move with its head at a 45 degree angle. The non-poisonous ones swim completele under water and have the head almost flat. On land they still have their head at less than 10 degrees.
Leave the wildlife alone.
Rod, not to be an ass, but no one in the South (except yankee transplants) mistakes the poisonous snake from anything else (at least in my experience). And, while not exactly lethal with one bite, it will eat the shit out of your flesh and is most painful! Thankfully, I've not been bitten, but have had friends and dogs get popped. It is not pretty!