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Introducing Handy Holdr

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At the very least this thread should have been posted in the sponsor/vendor forum!!

I must ask this in regards to your response Emilio, an introduction would change what?! The mere fact of someone out of the blue having one post, and that single post is for no other reason then to sell some chintzy looking I-Pad slinky, dildo, whatever the hell it is, sure appears suspicious. Your response of it not being spam makes it appear that you advocate and support this type of activity on here. The final insult is bequeathing the title of administrator and moderator on top of that, which is a HUGE slap in the face to the membership here! You pick and choose whomever you want to fill these positions as that's your right, but you'd think common sense and logic would dictate reserving those types of authorities for someone who's been consistently active around here and knows the intricacies of the site and it's members. Of course, applying that criteria would disqualify you too!

While I am not technically a "founding" member, I've been here for almost 7 years and am therefore one of the very early members. I've made many new friends here and received much help and advice. In return I have tried to reciprocate and give back. This site was formed by folks that were fed up with a bunch of dictatorial bullshit going on at another site which many of us came here from. It was a small but pretty tight and like minded group who formed this site and it has stayed pretty tight for a number of years. In just 2 years of you taking this site over you have managed to run it into the ground and scatter many of those great folks to the winds. Good job!

Delete this, ban me, or whatever the hell you want because as for me, this was the last straw. Count me as one of those members now in the wind as I'm outta here! Good luck selling junk on a site that you've been slowly running all of the membership off from! You'll have a great customer base!
Well said John and I echo everything you just said. Will the last Old StangFix member to leave remember to turn out the lights. Ahh Fuck it...let'em pay the bill.
Hahahaha. $25 for something I could make for $10 with plumbing parts from Lowe's.
What is this horseshit?
And give the guy God status because you bought this crap? That's politician level sleeze and an insult to those of us who have been here way before you junior.
And folks wonder why this place is in the midst of death throes.
So just what does it cost to become a Administrator/Moderator and post Spam on your first post ? Not that I really give two Shits anymore...just wondering what you set the price tag at to sell us out ( even more ).
Maybe we can just claim we bought it and we hate it.
What I Hate is that "Somebody" thought that this would be O.K. Really ?? Did you think we are all that stupid ? Or did you even think at all ? I'm bettin" on the latter,
I'm starting to hear crickets here.

I heard them before yet managed to find everyone anyway. I guess I am like gum on your shoe.

Where oh where can all us old farts go and keep up the good old fashion insults? It looks like this place is much like the last.

I have a server just no real good bandwidth.

Shit now I'll get banned....

Oh, well.;)

Sent from my XT1030 using Tapatalk
so this hack comes and makes one post to sell his crap and hasn't been heard from since. I would say he makes a perfect administrator for this site based on our current leadership!
What's with all the vitriol?
Wasn't the main reason the founders of this site chose to move from VMF was the sense that the thought police had taken up residence over there and "banning" for any reason or no apparent reason at all seemed on the rise? This place was originally a very loosely moderated, tolerant place to hang out that we jokingly referred to as "The Dark Side". The ignore feature used to be the standard way to circumvent trolls. Is that no longer enough? Or is there a burr under someone's saddle? It seems that when put into perspective with all the other horrific things going on in the world, this really shouldn't matter. Chill out people.
Weed is not legal in California and is still a Schedule One drug.
What's with all the vitriol?
Wasn't the main reason the founders of this site chose to move from VMF was the sense that the thought police had taken up residence over there and "banning" for any reason or no apparent reason at all seemed on the rise? This place was originally a very loosely moderated, tolerant place to hang out that we jokingly referred to as "The Dark Side". The ignore feature used to be the standard way to circumvent trolls. Is that no longer enough? Or is there a burr under someone's saddle? It seems that when put into perspective with all the other horrific things going on in the world, this really shouldn't matter. Chill out people.


You are missing the bigger picture. This is our escape from the real world so we don't have to think about all that crap, but Emilio has treated it and is like a red-headed step child since he took over. He has done nothing to improve this site and his lack of interest has allowed it to slowly fall apart. Then he allows some gypsy peddling his wares make his one and only post and become an administrator of the site we all enjoy without this guy even saying "hi"! Add to that the fact that Emilio believes his only misstep was not introducing this dude?!?? Who does more to promote Stangfix than those of us regulars! We are allowed to bitch. And just like your opinion, we are allowed to ours!
So... is fixstang.com going to get up and running soon? ;) That would kind of be a better name anyways... seems like all you do with Mustangs is fix them!

Really though, I don't know anything about the politics of this site as I am a fairly new member. And I mostly just lurk and read posts and laugh at the bickering and fun you guys have. Sure would be a shame to see ads take over and membership decline. But as Jeff said... well, the ignore button exists for a reason!
The problem as I see it, is not that this guy comes in and sells his wares, nor his immediate rise to exalted status....It's that there's no more free beer tomorrow. That just fucking sucks ass IMHO.

PS: I can't drink it anyway, but I'm still pissed.
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